
Debate Info

Trump WILL go to jail Obama WILL go to jail
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:16
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 Trump WILL go to jail (5)
 Obama WILL go to jail (7)

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excon(18262) pic

The EPIC battle for the future of America


So, I'm thinking the impeachment battle will come down in one of two ways..  If Trump avoids impeachment, he'll be re-elected, and ALL the people, like Strozk, Comey, Page, Clapper, McCabe, Clinton and Obama WILL be in jail.. 

Or, if he's impeached, ALL the people around him, like Guillani, Pompeo, Mulvaney, Pence, and half the congress WILL be in jail..

Whaddya think?


Trump WILL go to jail

Side Score: 7

Obama WILL go to jail

Side Score: 7
1 point

Trump is a fucking right wing fascist, and should go to jail for his crimes.

Side: Trump WILL go to jail

The sane person in the room understands that every administration sense time began has operated in the same manner.

It's how the world runs! Every nation deals with corruption from around the world. They all deal with their own agendas in their own manner, using funding or any other means to help further their goals. It's called Diplomacy and the art of the deal.

It's only the hypocritical obstructionist Left that is trying to take Down a duly elected President by impeaching him for such trivial hogwash.

No one will ever know if Trump's actions were taken purely to stop proven corruption in the Ukraine, and this corruption including former Vice President Biden's quid pro quo, or some other political strategy.

IT MATTERS NOT! Every President sense time began has used these types of techniques in attaining their objectives, no matter the reason.

The GOP had the common sense sanity not to waste America's time impeaching Obama or any other President for such things. These types of things are how Government operates!

To not know this is a witch hunt against Trump, defies a rational intelligence.

Side: Obama WILL go to jail
excon(18262) Disputed
2 points

IT MATTERS NOT! Every President sense time began has used these types of techniques in attaining their objectives, no matter the reason.

Hello From:

What you say is true, as long as their objective is to further Americas aims, and not his own.. Trumps objective was to use his presidential power to damage his political rival for his OWN benefit..

Presidents can't do that..

Here's how I see it working out.. I think Trump will be ridden out of town on a rail.. Outside his base, which you're a proud member, Trump is a hated man.. I believe there are at least 20 Senators who hate him as well. Of course, they can't speak out as individuals because Trump will tweet them to death.. But, the impeachment vote will allow them to act as group. And, in my view, that group is just waiting for the opportunity to throw him out..


Side: Trump WILL go to jail
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

If you actually think that the GOP Senate will vote to impeach Trump, then you are smoking something.

Yes, Trump was hated by the swamp, including RINO's, but Republicans have grown a spine since Trump showed them how.

They are seeing how he gets things done! They are beginning to love the guy regardless of how he put's his foot in his mouth every other tweet.

Side: Obama WILL go to jail
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

You have absolutely no proof of Trump's motives with the Ukraine. IT IS LUDICROUS TO TRY AND SAY OTHERWISE!

Every President since time began has used his power to help his own personal election chances in the next election. It's one of the perks of the job!


The GOP gave numerous examples of past Presidents using their office to help with their own re-election chances, but no one tried to impeach them for it.

Side: Obama WILL go to jail
Redeemed(1428) Disputed
1 point

Tronald Dump is the god of conservatism..........................................................................................

Side: Trump WILL go to jail trump-impeachment-hearing-day-one/

Did you happen to catch the cross examination of the lady Law Professor Pamela S. Karlan who admitted she had made the statement of how Conservatives do not all live in populated areas as do Democrats, because they don't like being around each other.

These are the Democrat Partisan witnesses who hate Trump, as do most Liberal elites.

Her degrading words show her intolerance towards Conservatives. These are the College Professors teaching the Millenials to be intolerrant of Conservatives.

Side: Obama WILL go to jail
0 points

Why is it the GOP did not try to impeach Obama over Fast and Furious when Eric Holder defied Congressional subpoenas, or Vice president Biden when he used his might to help his son in the Ukraine?

Why do these pious Democrat hypocrites say nothing about this if they are SO concerned about the rule of law?

Side: Obama WILL go to jail
excon(18262) Disputed
2 points

Why is it the GOP did not try to impeach Obama over Fast and Furious when Eric Holder defied Congressional subpoenas,

Hello From:

My guess is, the Republicans couldn't find an impeachable act... Certainly, if they COULD have, they WOULD have..


Side: Trump WILL go to jail
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Your guess is wrong!

The GOP had many opportunities they could have gone after Obama with his hot mike remarks to Putin, or Fast and Furious, or the IRS scandal, or Loretta Lynch's Tar Mack conversation with Bill Clinton, or Hillary's private server and Obama's use of that server with Government business.

Those types of things would have the Democrats in an impeachment mode against Trump at every turn.

The GOP is not made up of extremist Liberal obstructionist as in the Democrat Party.

Side: Obama WILL go to jail