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 The Government Has Created America's Atmosphere of Violence (3)

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Pantagruel(984) pic

The Government Has Created America's Atmosphere of Violence

People are always going to want intoxication. By criminalizing drugs, they have put the drugs into the hands of criminals. Criminals have no recourse to law, they may only defend themselves and their enterprises through violence. This has created an atmosphere of violence and crime which did not exist before the Harrison Act (and all the more after the Controlled Substances Act) and which could not continue to exist were the laws to be abolished.
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Yes .

Pantagruel(984) Clarified
1 point

Gee, so gosh-darn insightful, I wish I'd thought of that!

: D

1 point

No, this isn't as simple as what was criminalized and what wasn't. America is still inherently a very violent society compared to stats from the rest of the world. Instead I'd say our atmosphere of violence comes from our ubiquitous arrogance and selfishness. We're either stepping on others for our own self interests, or we're cutting others off at the knees before they can even consider stepping on us. It's a war of me me me.