
Debate Info

I love it! Enjoy the show! Stop it & respect my privacy
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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 I love it! Enjoy the show! (2)
 Stop it & respect my privacy (2)

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Hellno(17724) pic

The Government is Watching You!

I love it! Enjoy the show!

Side Score: 3

Stop it & respect my privacy

Side Score: 3
1 point

Government AGENCIES are watching. We should all be grateful. They were watching and found Russia was influencing our election. We didn't listen closely enough and we ended up with the mess in Washington! We should listen CLOSELY to "trusted" government agencies, not distrusted ones like the single digit Congress, of course, but the ones who have been protecting U.S. for years. The FBI, CIA, EPA and others. Certainly not ones that are run by Wall Street Icons [ yeah, I know the EPA has been infiltrated. but some of the dedicated ones are hanging on], or those bent on destroying our democracy or welcoming our enemies into the Oval Office, but, the old faithful's, like those mentioned above.

Side: I love it! Enjoy the show!
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

Bowel Al was Russia influencing the elections when Obama was twice elected ? You Progressives ramble on but you have no story !!!!!!!!

Side: Stop it & respect my privacy
1 point

I hope they ARE watching. Total and comprehensive surveillance is needed so as to effectively derail or eradicate any attempts of terrorism--domestic or foreign--upon this great country of ours.

And..hey! Here is an idea: If you ain't doing anything wrong you do not have anything to worry about. Right?


Cheers, mate.

(Izzat the answer you were looking for, mate?) LOL

Side: I love it! Enjoy the show!
1 point

I think Obama was watching me. One time I tried to turn off my phone & it wouldn't shut off, so I took the battery out. It stayed on even with the battery out & then began taking pictures of me.

Side: Stop it & respect my privacy