
Debate Info

I think so Lizzie Not quite Lizzie
Debate Score:81
Total Votes:85
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 I think so Lizzie (44)
 Not quite Lizzie (28)

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LizziexLaura(4278) pic

The Holy Bible is actually a creative book.

I know some people dont think god is real but to me the bible is a pretty good book. I think is is well written and can stimulate the imagination. What do you guys think?

I think so Lizzie

Side Score: 52

Not quite Lizzie

Side Score: 29
2 points

It's certainly is creative. It took the imagination of some powerfully creative people to be the recorded first in history to think up those awesome super powers, heroes and villains.

It would have been more creative it had some pictures though, like modern comic books.

Obviously I jest, but the stories are just that...stories. Never meant to be taken literal but great to read and learn from.

It's good to think that an all powerful being is watching out for you.

It's bad to think he wants you to kill for him.

Side: I think so Lizzie
1 point

Its alright. it needs a movie version though if it really wants a lot of people to be into it.

Side: I think so Lizzie
1 point

there is a tv show version.

Side: I think so Lizzie
1 point

on the christian net work? That is too boring. They need some thing with special effects. Mike Bay needs to produce it, he'd make it enteresting.

Side: I think so Lizzie
1 point

I think they could work on presentation a little.

Side: I think so Lizzie
1 point

Sure! I think it's interesting... just like Greek mythology. Every Easter I get drunk and watch The Ten Commandments and laugh my ass off for hours.

Side: I think so Lizzie

YES, if only the book store would put it in the fiction section.-----------------------

Side: I think so Lizzie
1 point

I think that it is a pretty good book of, in my opinion fiction, but only fiction

Side: I think so Lizzie
2 points

I find it quite the opposite. I find it poorly written.

Side: Not quite Lizzie
LizziexLaura(4278) Clarified
1 point

How so ?

Side: I think so Lizzie
riahlize(1573) Disputed
1 point

Like Acts 20:35 for instance.

Humble advice that Jesus supposedly said, but is not stated anywhere else in the Bible except through a second/third party (Paul). And easily arguable as hearsay.

Or the two creation stories in Genesis? If facts are factual (a given), then there should only be one factual creation story.

Side: Not quite Lizzie

I find the bible to be a cult book based upon harmful ideas that is supported by people who are desperate to find meaning in their puny little lives. But this is just me.

Side: Not quite Lizzie
0 points

Fucking boring read of bullshit from the bully's side of the fight between Lucifer and God.

If you got bullied and the bully wrote a book there'd be millions cheering as you got overthrown, little do they know what they are cheering is actually bullying.

Side: Not quite Lizzie
4 points

I actually think its a well written book and it makes Satan look like the biggest villain in history. I mean in the book of Revelation Satan wages war with God. I find that an epic fight in a piece of literature especially since the bible describes him as some odd creature.

Side: I think so Lizzie
Del1176(4975) Disputed
0 points

I've done my business calling you out for the bitch that you are.

I shall leave you to rot in stupidity for now and later rot in hell as I laugh by Satan's side whipping you first hand.

Side: Not quite Lizzie
Atrag(5666) Disputed
2 points

Haha you create such a pathetic picture of satan. He was bullied? Aw poor baby.

Side: I think so Lizzie
Del1176(4975) Clarified
0 points

You know something? I will fucking destroy you when I meet you in hell.

Side: I think so Lizzie