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 The day the Earth is obliterated.. (2)

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honie(103) pic

The day the Earth is obliterated..

Say a day arrives that planet earth is destroyed.  All of, every single last speck of dust blasted out into space, scattered forever.  What would man have accomplished.  And if you can answer yourself that, does that not beg the question as to the meaning of our lives?  Because if man didn't accomplish anything, there was no meaning behind any of it... perhaps?

Thoughts, ideas?

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1 point

I believe we should accept a few things:

1) We are no greater or less than anything else in the universe. We only elevate ourselves to some higher point because it makes us feel good about ourselves. Truth is, we are but a microscopic speck in infinity.

2) Nothing is permanent. There will almost certainly be a time when the human race is no more.

3) The past and the future are nothing compared to the present. We just do what we can for now. Some day it will fade, but for now everything is as important and meaningful as we want it to be. That's what matters.

If a day arrives that planet earth is destroyed. All of, every single last speck of dust blasted out into space, scattered forever... then all of this Global Warming crap would have been a waste of time. ;)