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Debate Score:10
Total Votes:11
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OmegaPan(710) pic

The left suddenly likes targeting and harassing women

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1 point

Damn, them bitches be ugly as fuck.....................................................

1 point

Hello O:

Nahhh… They were harassed because of their POLITICS - not because they're chicks..

You knew that, right??


2 points

Totally true.

It is lamentable that so many people mischaracterize situations based on irrelevant and incidental factors.

It is similar to the blatant mischaracterization of two guys being arrested at a Starbucks being about race instead of being about them refusing to leave the business when asked either to buy something or leave.

The bad decisions of rude harassers in a restaurant, a foolish restaurant owner intentionally driving away business, or a needlessly hard=ass Starbucks manager are counterproductive enough without needlessly adding in manufactured sexism or racism.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Water Boy is harassing people for their politics the message for the 2018 Blue Wave ???????