
Debate Info

Yes, yes bwahahhahahaha! My butthurt feelings
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:5
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 Yes, yes bwahahhahahaha! (2)
 My butthurt feelings (1)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28596) pic

The right is anti science argument died.. when liberals became anti science...

Yes, yes bwahahhahahaha!

Side Score: 2

My butthurt feelings

Side Score: 1
1 point

There is not 73 genders, climate change is not real, and you can not magically change your gender. Plain and simple

Side: Yes, yes bwahahhahahaha!
0 points

I agree with some of what he said, but when he deceptively equated the abortion argument to being about a clump of cells, that gave me an insite to his conditioning by the Left.

The Left supports no restriction abortions of viable babies, yet they STILL bring the debate back to a clump of cells. They do this because they know they can not honestly, nor intelligently debate what they truly support. This would show them to be the selfish inhuman people they are.

Science even says that the clump of cells he refered to is a living growing human life. So even he denies science when it suits him.

I agree with him about the hypocrisy of the Left when they are deniers to things they don't like.

Side: Yes, yes bwahahhahahaha!
0 points

The American right denies climate change, evolution, transgenders and all of the independent scientific research into the 9/11 attacks. I personally don't give a shit what you say about Liberals because with views like that there is no way you should be allowed to have anything to do with running a country.

Side: My butthurt feelings