
Debate Info

OMG! Excon is BAD and WRONG
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 OMG! (1)
 Excon is BAD and WRONG (2)

Debate Creator

excon(18262) pic

The world is going NUTS, but the dingbats HERE are OUTRAGED that I CAPITALIZE words. DUDE!


Side Score: 1

Excon is BAD and WRONG

Side Score: 3
1 point

SUPER STUPID you are an IGNORANT LEFTIST and a DINGBAT as well !!!!!! So who is to argue that point ?

Side: OMG!
2 points

The world is going NUTS, but the dingbats HERE are OUTRAGED that I CAPITALIZE words

Name any time period ever that the world wasn't going nuts.

Side: Excon is BAD and WRONG
1 point

I'm gonna give you a little advice. Take a break and get over yourself.

Side: Excon is BAD and WRONG