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All oppositions wiped out coexist with differences
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 coexist with differences (2)

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logicaljoe(529) pic

There are only two ways to achieve absolute PEACE: which side is it?

If you think about it, there are really only two ways to achieve absolute peace.  1) You either eliminate and wipe out all opposition or anyone that dares try to defy you, so that the only people left are the people that agree with the established power, therefore, PEACE (since nobody opposes), or 2) humans evolve to a level where they are capable of coexisting with everyone else's differences....which is highly unlikely because of the human condition "human depravity", but theoretically, if all peoples could become tolerant and accepting of differences, there would be peace too.   Which side do you believe?  Feel free to add your own solutions.

All oppositions wiped out

Side Score: 0

coexist with differences

Side Score: 4
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2 points

The only thing that needs to be "wiped out" is radical religion. When we stop trying to make others follow "The ONE GOD", whichever ONE that happens to be, we have a chance at PEACE. Until then......

Side: coexist with differences
2 points

Whenever people stop trying to be so involved with each other's business and worry more about their own problems will be the time in which moderate peace will be achieved. Absolute peace will never be achieved as humans are naturally, overly and excessively violent and you can't change human nature. There will always be one rotten apple among the bunch.

Side: coexist with differences