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 This is almost non debatable but Ron Paul destroyed everyone at the Arizona debate. (5)

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KingBlack(222) pic

This is almost non debatable but Ron Paul destroyed everyone at the Arizona debate.

Be it as it may who you may like you will support till the end regardless of how pathetic they look in trying to cover their past hostory and their current flaws, Ron Paul made sure that the other 3 candidates were frequently reminded that they could not F with him and that they were basically "Phony Jabroni" in curtesy of "Its Always Sunny in Philedelphia"


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4 points

I only watched the Ron Paul highlights on YouTube, so I haven't the necessary information, but from what I saw, I'd say that there is no doubt that Ron Paul won.

Ron Paul Highlights

Ron Paul was the destroyer.----------------------------------------

1 point

Ron Paul was the Judge... "Judge Dredd" to be exact..........

2 points

It really just comes down to no one having anything on Ron Paul.

The man has been in politics for decades, yet I fail to ever see someone pull a "gotcha" on the guy.

Sure, he isn't a perfectly consistent guy or w/e, but he's consistent and logical enough to be almost unbeatable in debates.

1 point

This is true I have barely, actually I don't think I have really ever seen any of the candidates go after Paul, I think when they 1st started a while ago last year some tried but failed miserably when he smacked them down with his debate a truth stick, heck even the media tried to get him early on but realized its best to just stay away and not try to battle him and attack him as some news speakers tried plenty time before only to be handed the back hand.