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 This is the Democrat's problem. Their low income welfare vote reside mostly in big cities. (12)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

This is the Democrat's problem. Their low income welfare vote reside mostly in big cities.

This is why Democrats are losing the electoral votes. You see, if Democrats could scatter their welfare vote outside the big Liberal Cities, they would have a lock on every election.

The reason that won't happen is because rural counties possess the simple common sense intellect to understand that enabling welfare as a career only creates more of the same. We have generations of welfare families who learn from their parents that welfare is a career rather than a safety net.

Low income people flock to the big cities to get the least restrictive highest paying social programs, therefore the vast majority of Democrat votes come from big cities.

This is the price you pay for buying the minority vote with those rural folk's paychecks. Those middle class rural folks finally have awoken and will not take it any more.

From what I have seen so far, Democrats are not getting it and not changing a thing. They are totally lost in their liberal socialist ideology. These Liberals in the Democrat party will not rest until Republicans control every governorship, every Legislature, every senate and congressional seat, and Presidency.

There are not enough LGBT, feminist, minority, voters scattered around this nation to win elections. That is the price you pay when your base is made up of special interest groups living inside the big Liberal cities, rather than the hard working tax payers of this nation.

Democrats can win the total votes every election, and at the same time lose every election. The founders of our constitution were smart enough to understand that our elections should never be bought with tax payer money from rural lower populated States and counties.

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2 points

Another debate attacking Democrats and failing to demonstrate how the Republicans are succeeding. Winning elections is not success. You "won" the election. When do the American people start winning? You attacked Democrats for only caring about getting elected. Now you have a debate boasting about winning the election. You aren't any different.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

As always, you never address the debate, you a;ways attack me and how I debate.

I will give you one more chance to address the debate!

The entire point was about how the Democrat vote is mainly in the big liberal cities.

Do you ever look at the color of the map? It's mostly red for republican counties. The Blue democrat votes are from the big cities!

Are you capable of addressing the debate? Or are you like these Liberal Democrats who still picked Liberal Nancy Pelosi to be their minority leader.

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified Banned
1 point

you always attack me and how I debate

How can he attack you for something you've never done?

Cartman(18192) Disputed Banned
0 points

As always you never address the counter argument. You are a coward.

2 points

You touched on a point that has surprised me since the election in November. The progressive liberals have been pointing everywhere for the cause of their loss. The most introspective opinions seem to revolve around a failure to connect with voters. It's like if they just knew how progressive liberalism was going to help them, they would have voted for it.

The progressive liberals never for a second question whether their socialistic slant has been rejected. They have veered so far toward socialism, that they no longer can see the political center. They are doomed to remain lost in ideological limbo until they realize their mistake. As for me, I hope it takes forever.

You are correct and I agree with what you are saying.

I do not believe Liberals are so naive to why they lost. They understnd they are still the minority in this nation, but are arrogant enough to keep pushing their failed ideology no matter if they lose the election. You noticed they still picked ultra Liberal Nancy Pelosi as their minority leader?

They must make excuses to why they lost because they will never admit that the majority of America is not Liberal.

They have the Liberal media and Hollywood on their side which is why Obama was elected twice. They could not believe that this bully pulpit of the Liberal thought police was not enough this time.

Their arrogance and smugness believed that with the ever growing minority low income welfare vote, that they would never lose an election, even if they put up a proven corrupt criminal such as Hillary. Their long term goal is getting enough people living off Government which guarantees them every election. This is why they never find solutions to getting people off welfre. They rather keep making welfare a more attractive way of life for people.

They believed they could force their LGBT agendas on all our states and public schools without any backlash from the majority of people who see their freedoms to disagree being taken from them. Most parents DO NOT want a Big Brother Federal Government forcing every public school to allow boys in our daughter's bathrooms!

I don't see the Democrat Party coming back to the middle. Their support by the majority of our media will keep them on their never ending quest to make America yet one more dead Socialist European nation controled by the United Nation.

I just hope that there are enough people who still want real jobs compared to a life of welfare, because Trump will grow our jobs much more than these Liberal Democrats would ever do.

2 points

It's a theory. The problem with it though is rural red state USA is also pretty low income yet it keeps voting Republican, and also there are quite a few wealthy Democrats, too.

A more accurate description of the Democrat's problem is they draw their strength from heterogeneity and it's the urban areas which is where most of that is located. The red states in comparison are overwhelmingly homogenous.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

A more accurate description of the Democrat's problem, is that they draw their strength from people who have been pandered to with tax dollars from all those red county working middle class voters covering our map!

Grenache(6053) Disputed Banned
2 points

Nope. Here's real demographic data.

The college educated largely go democrat. As do many of the wealthy. This is not your simplified version of reality.

Firnen Banned
1 point

You should see a psychiatrist.