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 To the Pro abortion enablers who say Planned Parenthood helps reduce numbers of abortions. (4)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

To the Pro abortion enablers who say Planned Parenthood helps reduce numbers of abortions.

I hear this same rationale from so many pro abortion people trying to excuse their inhumanity.
So in a nut shell, this is what they are basically saying.
If our nation's supreme court decided the Federal Government should leave it up to the states to decide if killing one year old children was legal, would you be accepting that decision?
Would you be saying that clinics where they execute one year old children should be getting tax payer funding because they are also providing programs educating women how not to lose their tempers and kill their one year old children.
Your logic is that these clinics therefore are doing a good service to help save many children's lives and why we should keep funding them.
Can you grasp the point?
We are talking about innocent human lives, and just because abortion clinics such as Planned parenthood offer advice on birth control to help prevent unwanted pregnancy (which is a good thing if they did not also offer abortions), means nothing when the same place helps you kill the Baby after pregnancy.
When will you Pro abortion people admit the entire point of the argument? Quit spewing mindless excuses when the entire subject revolves around the taking of innocent life.
Just as the age of a one year old baby means nothing when it comes to the value of it's life, an unborn Baby's life is no less vauable a few months before birth.
Though I am not sure with todays radical anything goes pro abortion fanatics, I believe you would be against killing one year old babies even if the supreme court said it was ok for states to decide for themselves to do so.
I bet you would not want your money going to fund clinics where they executed one year olds. I bet you would not be making ludicrous excuses how these clinics help some mothers not to kill their one year olds and therefore deserve our funding.
Are you getting it yet? It's about life..... It's about the humanity of our nation. It's about the sanctity of life and what hppens to it with the slippery slope of abortion.
What was suppose to be 1st trimester abortions after Roe, we now have a radical Democrat Party tied to radical feminists who want to the right to kill babies all the way up to birth for any reason.
This is why we must always fight for the sanctity of innocent life (with exceptions of extreme cases such as life of mother abortions).
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1 point

Dang Cartman's right FromWithin probably is the most pro abortion person on this site.

1 point

providing programs educating women how not to lose their tempers and kill their one year old children.

What a fucking retard.

1 point

I love when people who harp on life and humanity talk with extreme anger and insult and intolerance about their fellow humans who disagree with them.

Bullshit. More Christians trying to force there way of life on everyone else...