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Debate Score:4
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 Today is "Createdebate Legends and Classics Day!" (4)

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LoveStargirl(496) pic

Today is "Createdebate Legends and Classics Day!"

I just made this day up(obviously lol). today, we celebrate all the classic and legendary users that always have had a big impact on CD like classic as Prayerfails or as new as Saurbaby and Hellno! we celebrate those who've changed the basics of CD and people we could not live without. we can also talk about the classic debates that will never end and that have caused some contreversy . so comment and appreciate all of the CD legends!


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Micmacmoc(2259) Clarified
1 point

Yep, this is a ridiculous idea.

Saurbaby(5502) Disputed
1 point

Hey hey hey, what's wrong with point whoring ;)

That picture is rather amusing though...

Well you're allowed to, being queen whore and all (you should put that on your CV).

As for the photo, I just googled "photos of Saurbabay08" ;)