
Debate Info

Tom Brady Peyton Manning
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Tom Brady (2)
 Peyton Manning (1)

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RightWingJ77(17) pic

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Tom Brady Vs. Peyton Manning

Who is a better quarterback?

Tom Brady

Side Score: 2
Winning Side!

Peyton Manning

Side Score: 1

I believe Tom Brady is a better quarterback because he is more accurate, and is a three time SuperBowl Champion.

Side: Tom Brady
lolzors93(3225) Disputed
1 point

You remember how well the Colts did without Manning? Yeah, Manning is better; Brady has a team to back him up while Manning is the team, himself.

Side: Peyton Manning
RightWingJ77(17) Disputed
1 point

The reason that the Colt's had a losing season is not only because of Manning's absence, but the Colt's defense itself was terrible. SuperBowl rings talk for themselves and Manning should have been better with talented recievers such as Reggie Wayne, Dallis Clark, and Marvin Harrison in his history with the Colts.

Side: Tom Brady
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