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 Transgender indoctrination of our children is the Left's next Gay marriage agenda. (16)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Transgender indoctrination of our children is the Left's next Gay marriage agenda.

It is happening just like I said it would a year ago. Transgender awareness is the next big political correct indoctrination by the left pushed on our innocent chidren in schools. They are a captured audience in schools and the Leftist federal education board has just threatened to strip a particular school of their six million in federal funds if they do not allow a biological boy with a boy's body (but he says he is a girl) to get dressed in a girls locker room. Their superintendent tried to compromise with curtains that the boy could get dressed behind. But of course these arroant control fanatics on the left want to force all our schools to bow to their fixation with dysfunctional weird sexual orientations and refused that compromise.
Can you imagine how twisted this sick nation is becoming? They fear a simple prayer of love and safety to our children, but want to force our innocent children to be indoctrinated with weird sexual orientations. The Left has become godless control freaks forcing their sick twisted political correct agendas on our children.
Unless the fools who elect these fanatics wake up, our nation is truly dead.
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1 point

There is a difference between indoctrination and education. Why don't you want people to know what homosexuality and transsexuality is? I mean, homosexuality is mentioned in the Bible. What's wrong with defining it, and explaining what we as a society know about it?

0 points

Funny how you keep bringing up the term "indoctrination" and then refer to god and your religion by saying things like "they fear simple prayer of love...". Religion, along with the consumption of animals, both, are the biggest forms of indoctrination to have ever existed on earth; just throwing that out there. Now, you never exactly stated how the liberals were "pushing their gay marriage agenda". Punishing a school for not allowing a kid to express his freedom of belief and sexuality as long as no one is being hurt, seems perfectly reasonable to me, and I fail to see where they are pushing anything on to anyone. It seems to me like they are actually doing the opposite of "pushing" by respecting his choice of sexuality and by not trying to reform him into a normal, god-loving, heterosexual boy like I'm sure you would like to see happen. Seems like you're just bitter from the entire country moving away from religion and going against what YOU believe is right based on the indoctrination you've experienced and your inability to critically think and analyze the world. Unfortunately for you, the nation will continue to move in this direction, away from religion, so if you don't like it, just keep going to church and reading your bible, ignore everything else. You'll be better off that way.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

No one is hurt? Do you actulaly believe the lunacy our of your mouth? You sound like a talking head on MSNBC spewing your anti prayer in school histeria. So tell me about the rights of those other girls in the locker room. How about their freedom to not have dysfunctional boys looking at them naked?

Your twisted logic plays right into this political correct madness where only your favored groups of people get to indoctrinate our children in public schools, and where the rights and freedoms of the other kids and parents to dissagree are dismissed. It's truly sad we have such hypocrites who are so insecure with their beleifs that they must censor our freedoms to choose a symbolic prayer of our Christin heritage, but it is ok to force discussions of abnormal sexual orientations on kids.

You actually call the freedom and choice of a community to choose a simple prayer of safety and love for all people, as something to fear, while it is ok for a biological boy to get dressed in a girls locker room, on his say so, that he is actully a girl?

You are the living embodiment of how a Liberal media can indoctrinate a people to believe up is down.

Keep tellng yourself how the freedom of a community to choose a prayer in school is bad while our most innocent children getting indoctrinated to abnormal sexual orientation is a good thing. TWISTED! Do you even care about the right's of parents who want no boys in their daughter's dressing room?

arteaga34(130) Disputed Banned
1 point

Yes, on the condition that no one is being hurt, the kid should be allowed to express his freedom of belief and sexuality. Don't be foolish, I'm sure the majority of the girls and parents have to come to a consensus on what conditions should be appropriate for this young man to dress in a girls locker room before it actually happens.

I think it's hilarious how people like you are so terrified of gays and freedom for/from religion. Let me ask you something, would you be one to advocate a community choosing to send a prayer to Satan every morning, asking for safety and love for all people? It's a whole different story when it involves worshipping a god other than your own isn't it. All you and other Christians want is for the world to believe in a set of beliefs given by a fictional character who humans themselves have created. Like I said in my previous post, as time goes on, this country will only continue to grow out of religion and enter reality. Hopefully you will too, if not, good luck with everything your magical book tells you to do.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

If this nation continues on this bigoted closed minded intolernant path, that censors any mention of our Christian heritage in public, then I feel sorry for every child raised in the broken homes brought on by this amoral anything goes culture.

When the moral foundations of this nation(that made us great) are censored from bigots who fear even the mention of a simple prayer (with no child forced to pray), the results are plain to see. Over 70% of Black children are being raised in broken homes with no fathers or mothers at home, and over 50% of white kids living in broken homes. You have the mindset to believe we are moving in the right path? WOW!

Those Bible believing people going to Church? The one's you ridicule are the vast majority of people in this nation and the reason for this beng the greatest most free nation in the world.

Peole like you who fear our Christian heritage are truly transforming this nation into a bankrupted collective of political correct bigots, where Government is the mother's and father's of all the children from broken homes living on welfare. What's so sick is you can't even see it happening. You actully think one night hook ups and people living together with no committment is a good thing for our children. WAKE UP!

arteaga34(130) Disputed Banned
1 point

Looks like you just pulled those statistics out of your ass. If your going to make such an exact claim like that you should be prepared to cite whatever study you received your information from.

How does that fact that the majority of people in the nation being religious contribute to your claim that we are the greatest and most free nation in the world exactly? To me, the fact that the majority of our country follows religion only supports the fact that the US is ranked fourteen out of the forty countries ranked in education systems and second in ignorance.