
Debate Info

trolls non trolls
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 trolls (3)
 non trolls (5)

Debate Creator

ghostheadX(1105) pic

Trolls vs Non Trolls

So this isn't even really a debate as much as a contest. Each non troll will pick the first position on anoter debate they can think of amd they have to argue with whoever decides to purposely do something annoying that'd get themselves banned. Each non troll has to last as long as possible or until the troll gets bored. ARE YOU READY AMERICA!!! No bans in this debate no matter what.


Side Score: 3

non trolls

Side Score: 5
1 point

We have three major players here who would have been banned for trolling on any other online debate forum. Given the fact that they on a daily basis hijack threads and troll when their posts have nothing whatsoever to do with the debate topic.

And I have long ago tired of them all. They have done a good job in making this site more mundane, boring and predictable than it used to be. Which is why I'm not here that much any more.

They are: Outlaw/ DB Pooper.....FromWithout...and that new silly little twit, CNTRavin' (knhaven). I'm not sure which one is worse. I think Ravin/haven is the most truly deluded, if not borderline psychotic. Pooper is definitely the least educated and most incapable of grasping facts.

I'm thinking that DDO is sounding pretty good right about now!



Side: trolls
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Would say you Democrats are borderline psychotic as you made reference to. Problem you Democrats have is you don't want to be confronted. When confronted everyone that confronts you is a troll. Trolls are a mythical characters with that said your world is exposed.

Side: non trolls
SlapShot(2608) Clarified
1 point

For the umpteenth time, I am an Independant. Not a Democrat.

I just feel compelled to correct you when you make erroneous accusations against the Dems. I would also defend the GOP and the Conservatives if some liberal here made wrongful comments on them too.

That's sort of how us Indy's roll, amigo.


Side: trolls
1 point

So to make sure I'm reading this right, I pick any topic and position and just leave it be until a troll comments?

Side: non trolls
1 point

I feel like I've already fulfilled this request almost daily with FromWithin, SaintNow, and DBCooper.

Side: non trolls
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Opposition to the Democrats is disturbing to you isn't it. Democrat view don't oppose me or i will call you names that's all i can do.

Side: trolls
Grenache(6053) Disputed
1 point

I'm independent. You can oppose anyone or anything you want, you just need to back it up with good evidence and analysis. All I'm seeing from the conservative/Republican side is smears.

Side: non trolls