
Debate Info

Debate Score:24
Total Votes:24
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 Umaroth is Prodigee. (21)

Debate Creator

Sitara(11075) pic

Umaroth is Prodigee.

Nice going Prodigee. Did you think that I would not figure it out?

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kozlov(1754) Banned
2 points

There, there is another feuding debate. I am currently picking up the phone and talking to the Minister of Minsters in our government. I will get him to turn off the Internet.

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

You are so full of shit .

Vermink(1942) Disputed Banned
3 points

Don't have a go and ban someone just because they're annoyed with the amount of personal attack debates are being created recently I personally am getting quite annoyed as well not only is it harsh on your part but your debating that they're being abusive to you yet what your doing here with all these debates is being abusive to them if its revenge your after then That's just bad because revenge is pointless. But you can't just say your annoyed at someone being abusive to you when your being just as abusive to them it's just hypocritical.

umaroth(7) Banned
1 point

cute creating lies now it seems.

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Prove me wrong .

umaroth(7) Disputed Banned
1 point

Prodigee is Mic so he has 50 other accounts so why would he create a new one.

nummi(1424) Banned
1 point

So what if he is? More downvotes for you, you deserve every single one you get (even though they don't mean much).

When will you be leaving? I personally don't care if you will or not, it would be for your own good.

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

I am not going anywhere, you cunt .

umaroth(7) Disputed Banned
1 point


umaroth(7) Banned
1 point

Nice Ban attempt.

umaroth(7) Banned
1 point

Prove that i am Prodigee.

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Leave me alone. .

umaroth(7) Banned
1 point

Oh and i have been here hundreds of days before Prodigee do some research before spewing nonsense.

1 point

I don't know who umaroth is but I'm not him/her.

umaroth(7) Banned
1 point

Ah so you not going to give any proof supporting your claim?

umaroth(7) Banned
1 point

Great job Ismaila you have banned everyone but you from a debate yet again.

umaroth(7) Banned
1 point

careful Vermink Ismaila going to ban you and hate you now.

umaroth(7) Banned
1 point

If you want to be left alone leave the site.