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Under what conditions is murder/manslaughter acceptable?

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2 points

I recall Hannibal Rising. His sister was killed and eaten at the beginning of the film, and later he looked for the culprits and killed and ate them. I myself think that he was too mild. If somebody did that to a loved one, and if I were in a position to exact revenge, I would be infinitely worse.

1 point

He should've hired someone to sodomize them (or do it himself), use 'lawful citizens' techniques of keeping victims alive while slowly kiling them and w/e torture methods there are out there in the world.

1 point

i think that it is only accectable if it is self defense. Either way it is going to change your life. you shouldn't just decide one day that your gunna kill someone that's wrong. even if they had murdered your loved one. only if it is selfdefense should it b accectable

Side: self defense