
Debate Info

Wonderful Wacky
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Wonderful (1)
 Wacky (2)

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KingOfPopForever(6910) pic

Vibrating Tattoos.

According to the Wall Street Journal, someone has filed a patent for "vibrating tattoos" And it wasn't just anyone -- the patent was filed by Nokia. What use could one have for a so-called vibrating tattoo, you ask? That's not 100 percent clear yet, but it's not as aimless as it sounds. The tattoo would vibrate when the wearer received a text, phone call, or e-mail. (Yes, people. It's happening.)

Unwired View describes the innovation in detail: "The tattoo would be applied using ferromagnetic inks. The ink material would first be exposed to high temperatures to demagnetize it. Then the tattoo would be applied. You'll apparently be able to choose the actual image you want as the tattoo. The procedure is identical to that of getting a 'normal' tattoo -- only the ink is special." Do you think the idea of a vibrating tattoo -- and the fact that we're so close to it -- is wonderful or wacky?



Side Score: 2


Side Score: 2
2 points

I personally don't know if I would get this, but I find it absolutely amazing that we've become so advanced, and it makes me wonder about what will happen next.

Side: Wonderful
1 point

I find it amazing, but not more amazing than it is frightening. If we are capable of more and more advanced, and personal technology, what will happen to us? Will we become so reliant on technology that we will become incapable of reverting back to a more primitive state (should the need arise)? It's scary.

Side: Wacky
Saurbaby(5581) Clarified
1 point

I agree with worrying about not being able to revert back to primal survival, but I feel like we're already at that point. If you throw most people into the woods for a month most wouldn't be able to survive it. Sadly.

But I'm far too interested in what we're fully capable of to let that worry me. And if that need does arise, I can take comfort in knowing only intelligent people will survive it.

Side: Wonderful

I don't care for tattoos and I don't think vibrating tattoos are going to be popular in the United States.

Side: Wacky