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Debate Score:10
Total Votes:14
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Akulakhan(2984) pic

Video games are becoming a recognizeable art form.


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 1
2 points

Video games may have started as a primitive competitive entertaiment device, but throughout the years there has been numerous divergencies that when catalysed by improvements in technology has left fertile soil for the creation of new titles that will contain complex themes and storytelling.


Examples of this are such games as Bioshock and Fallout 3 which have both, catered to the primitive function of entertaining gameplay by the means of fairly popular shooter genre elements, and also incorporated an immense theme of humanity. It can only be expected that if these trends continue, the video game could one day rival the book.


However it must be noted that there will always be video games made for pure competitive sport, such is unavoidable.

Side: agree
2 points

I say yes, numerous video games convey stories that rival those of great books in addition they have a visual medium. They are a blending of arts (story telling, imagery, music) but that doesn't mean the grand sum isn't art. Many people feel film is an art despite its blending of visuals and music and story telling.

Many say that video games aren't art as they are used for entertainment but that falls when all art is used for that means. Why do I watch a movie (regardless of "artiness")? Because I enjoy it. Or why do I frequent the art gallery? Because I enjoy it.

Now I will admit some video games are more pure entertainment then others but that happens in all mediums. Is film less of an art because of die hard? Is music less of an art due to heavy metal?

So yes, I'd consider video games an art.

Side: agree

The time and effort invested into a video game is mind boggling; for example, the detail of Grand Theft Auto is amazing, and considering video games anything other than an art form is wrong.

Side: agree

They are not 'becoming' a recognizable art form, they already are one.

And so they should be, more time and effort goes into some video games then any painting or portrait.

Side: agree

The graphics of video games are improving with each passing year. I think video games are a recognized art form.

Side: Agree
0 points

I love video games, but it's safe to say it's absolutely not. If video games were art, then they would be the worst dadaist pile of shit the world's ever seen. Art is suppose to convey message and emotion; video games are just corporations jacking off in the faces of consumers. It's, literally, factory-made bullshit.

Video games cost a lot to make, so the game industry does not have time, or the money, to experiment.

That's it. Art-form? Everything is art. Recognizable? Definitely not.

Side: Disagree