
Debate Info

Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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Noxter(92) pic

Voting Bots on CD?



Edited by Andy added image below - Image of spam I clean up hourly.


Spam Cleanup Page

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4 points

Noxter, This is a global spammer who used IP spoofing to prevent us from completely locking them out. We are able to trap all of their traffic and quarantine it. Then I go through all of it line by line to delete the spam and release anything that gets caught in quarantiine that shouldn't have. I can't explain the process we use to quarantine or they could circumvent it. Right now I just consider it a good stress test on the system.


LittleMisfit(1745) Clarified
3 points

Thanks for clarifying

1 point

Thanks for your due diligence and positive outlook on an obnoxious internet reality. :)

Noxter(92) Clarified
1 point

Why don't you add more steps to registration ?

2 points

It always amazes me how much time people spend to be destructive. If people used 1/4 of this time to be productive, just think of much better off the world would be.

1 point

Who does that ?

1 point

None of them wrote anything and more and more of them pops up... .

1 point

I see that no one gives a fuck... :D

You can't vote unless you've written arguments, so they're not voting bots. My guess would be that they are fake accounts used to try to make it look like the site is more active than it actually is. Most of the time there are only one or two real users logged in at a time, which might make new people who are visiting the site think this place is a ghost town, so they just move on. Maybe Andy (the site owner) will give us an explanation.

Noxter(92) Clarified
1 point

You can vote up without posting .

addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

LittleMisfit, please see my description of what these are...I wish I had the money to make what you were suggesting they might be. If I did, I would also have the money to do more to the site. I will posted a picture of the spam in the debate.


1 point

:/ Those aren't real accounts?

1 point

I thought Andy was creating them so that the site looks busier than it actually is. I think it serves that purpose pretty well.