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 We all need a refresher course on bigotry. (4)

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Sitara(11075) pic

We all need a refresher course on bigotry.

Bigotry is defined as intolerantly being devoted to your own opinions and prejudices., especially treating regards or treats members of a certain group as an ethnic group, disability, religion or lack thereof, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, nationality, biological sex, or gender identity with hatred and intolerance. For example "God hates fags" in reference to gays is bigoted. If you are British and you are talking about cigarettes, that is a different story. "Gays are disgusting" is also bigoted. "Homosexuality is a disorder" is bigoted. "Fuck the Jews" is bigoted. "Fuck the Arabs' is bigoted. These are all some very good examples of bigotry. Educated societies must not allow bigotry because it violates peoples rights. Bigotry can kill, just ask Matthew Shepard, the boy who was killed for being gay. If people want to be bigots in private, go for it. But when they start to shove their bigotry down other peoples' throats, they had better expect a fight. Bigotry is against everything that I believe in, so excuse me for actually caring about civil rights. Jesus was against bigotry too.

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2 points

Absolutely. I would extend this somewhat beyond a basic understanding of bigotry as being an act or statement of hatred and intolerance, to appreciating the causes of bigotry as well as its potential remedies. Too often I see people dismiss and antagonize someone who has made a bigoted remark, and usually that person is not actually or inherently a bad person but someone who is ignorant because they have not had exposure to ideas or people. When someone is a called a bigot, the response is immediately and understandably defensive and the doors to a productive and informative conversation are closed. The response to bigotry has to be patience and understanding, and it is not fair that the burden falls upon those who are targeted but it is the reality. The solution to bigotry is education, not anger.

1 point

Here is a useful link .

Supporting Evidence: Bigotry (
1 point

Bigotry is the state of mind of a bigot, defined by Merriam-Webster as "a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially: one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

There ya go. There has been a refresher course on bigotry.

1 point

I just have a question. Please dont be offended by it but... Are you bigoted? because, as you have said...

Bigotry is defined as intolerantly being devoted to your own opinions and prejudices., especially treating regards or treats members of a certain group as an ethnic group, disability, religion or lack thereof, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, nationality, biological sex, or gender identity with hatred and intolerance.

In one debate we had, you talk as if you've hated me because I have said some things that you didnt like about your sexual orientation. You easily thought that I was against this, and that when I am clearly not that. You even said that I was bigoted and was forcing my beliefs on everyone. Then, what about you? Arent you forcing your beliefs that what you are is good?

Im sorry. I hope u dont get offended. Please just answer it.