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Debate Score:10
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LadyLove(18) pic

We need etiquette in the world?

Etiquette in the world


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 5
1 point

I think that yes be couse is very interesting, without etiquette we are like animals, we are all different people, many cultures, every culture have his rules that was created centuries and we need to respect that.

Side: yes
Phreekshow(246) Disputed
1 point

Problem is we ARE animals. Humans spend so much time pretending to not be what they ARE. As for respecting old rules stoning is a rule that has been handed down through the centuries. Should we respect that as well?

Side: No

Overexcessive etiquette has no place anywhere, since it cuts out efficiency from the system. But, normal etiquette? Tact? Of course we should have that. People's feelings matter.

Side: yes
1 point

Yes, I agree. We need to comported us like a civilizational people, do you like when somebody stay his legs in the table? Or make something in his nose?

Side: yes
1 point

I think etiquette is overrated. What we need is mutual respect and understanding. Etiquette is a phony way pretentious people behave to make themselves seem important and proper. In the grand scheme of the World it does not matter how you pass the butter or wear a hat at the kitchen table! Get over yourselves!

Side: No

Sure, people need to be respectful and kind to one another, but etiquette has certain connotations that are, I must agree, pretentious.

Side: No

why the f would we need ettiquette when we can just act how we want?????????!

Side: No
LadyLove(18) Disputed
1 point

No, we can`t just act how we want, be cause, for example, if you do something bad, the police will arrest you. And if you don`t now how to eat correctly, the normal society don`t will you take in hir company. OK?

Side: yes
saprophetic(389) Disputed
1 point

Kind of a circular argument you got there, mate. <= Etiquette. See how nice that was? It may not seem important, but contrast with receiving a reply like:

oi shut the f up because i deserve the right to say what i want but you dont and your so wrong??????!

I can't believe I just typed that. I feel like I've just sinned. Ahh, what you do to help others...

Side: yes

Having no ettiquette shouldn't have to mean 'behaving badly' or 'rudely'. it should just mean following your own rules and or beliefs and behaving accordingly. whoever said ettiquette had to be the thing to follow, who decided the one way was the right way?? having ettiquette shouldnt mean you have to hold your knife and fork in a certain way, that is absolute bullshit hold it however you want, if ettiquette must be present in our society - i say we should make our own. We don't let people tell us what to do so why start now for something as insignificant as ETTIQUETTE??????

Side: No