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 We need to stop this "reporting" thing. (28)

Debate Creator

AbbyNestor(1028) pic

We need to stop this "reporting" thing.

Some people here decide to report people for just about any reason they think is okay. This only makes Andy's job harder. I dont know how to even avoid it. ny ideas on how to handle it?

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Dana, stop reporting everyone over everything; everyone else, business as usual.

4 points

My fellow libertarian I thank you greatly for those noble words.

Sitara(11075) Disputed
0 points

I only report people who are abusive to me, as is my right. You cannot prove that I do otherwise.

AbbyNestor(1028) Disputed
3 points

Really? Dont you do the same thing to them though? Just wondering out of observations.

2 points

If I see you debating and I look where the thread goes, 50% of the time it ends in "reported."

It does create a problem. Not a big one though. I mean most of the time reports are sent in for no reason so the best thing to do is to just ignore them.

I'm afraid I'll have to report you for this debate ;)

AbbyNestor(1028) Disputed
2 points

Are you serious?

Oh jeez..., How long have you been here now? Have you ever known me to be serious? I don't down vote or dispute people. Why would I report them? Did the smiley not convey sarcasm? I mean, it's so obvious that now I have to ask, "Are you serious?" ;)

Well you could always report them back. Also I am not sure there is a specifically, well thought out way to stop the problem.

remove the report button lol from what I have heard it isn't even effective so...

1 point

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

I really enjoy this site because I love people watching. Not voyeurism, but simply enjoying watching others and the crazy stuff they do. I have been curious about the sisters Lizzie and Abby...polar opposites. Initially I was drawn to Lizzie since she is literally so nice. I found Abby a little to "forward" about things. But, as I have "watched" things unfold, I have grown to really respect Abby (yes, I still like Lizzie too). While I do think Abby is a realist, when she posted this debate, I knew she is just really smart and her "forward" nature comes from her ability to quickly "see" the issue and her patience to actually wait for everyone else to catch up to her "understanding".

So, yes this reporting thing is killing me. There are a few people who report everyone and everything! Please stop. Report stuff that is bad and leave the rest alone.

Thanks Abby, You are the best!

Thank you sir.

Report stuff that is bad and leave the rest alone.

If only that one person would follow this.

Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

I am sorry for being a problem. .

1 point

Agreed. I will try not report unless I really need to. I have seen that I was wrong.