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 We no longer shame those who make immoral choices that hurt our children. Why? (22)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

We no longer shame those who make immoral choices that hurt our children. Why?

Why do you suppose so many people on the left absolutely hate hearing anyone speaking to the immoral irresponsible choices people keep making? This was the main reason for their pushing the lies of so called separation of church and state. They hate the notion of personal moral values and truly hate anyone making them feel ashamed.
The sexual revolution ushered in a selfish generation of people who put their own selfish desires ahead of the good of our children and families. They actually want to be abe to have one night hook ups and then when the woman gets pregnant, the father walks away from his child or she aborts the child. Never is there any mention of the shameful behavior that created that fatheress child living on welfare. Many women get pregnant over and over again and rather than shaming them as we used to do, we give them a raise in their welfare checks.
How stupid can we be? The shame of irresponsibility once deterred future episodes of repeat behavior but not today. Today if any politician speaks to moral values, they are crucified and go nowhere.

So here is our new age culture where people are free to live any irresponsible lifestyle they want, and no one will say a thing about it. They just force tax payers to pick up the bill. Democrats love this culture because it keeps their low income voting blocks right where they want them.
Shaming people as we do with drunk driving commercials, etc. actully works! Why when it comes to sex, we no longer shame people? They are hurting our children and no one says a thing.
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3 points

Different morality is still morality, no matter how much you dislike it.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

Ok so under your logic, drunk driving is different morality? Those who drink and drive have determined through their moral standards that they can drive ok when drunk.

The difference between accepted differences in morality should be when a person's sense of morality hurts no one else but themselves.

Having one night hook and promiscuous sex have sentenced millions of children to lifetimes with no fathers. That is cruel and harmful. There are so many statistics showing the drastic harmful results for children abandoned by their fathers.

Your one sentence described perfecty what I am always sayng about this no faut culture we are living in. Most everythng is ok in your world, there is no fault in a person's choices in life, it's not their fault. They simply have differing views of what is moral and immoral, right?

Before anyone makes mindless statements that I want moral laws, SPARE ME.

I'm talking about shaming people who over and over choose to make irresponsible choices that hurt our children, hurt our society, that steals money from tax payers, etc.

I believe we should have commercials shaming dead beat fathers, shaming women who keep having sex with dead beat men who would never support their child should she get pregnant. Do you know how many women have multiple children on welfare with different fathers who walk away? We reward those women with bigger welfare checks.

Our society has no problem shaming certain behaviors such as racism, drunk driving, smoking, etc. They deem these things harmful but when it comes to the breakdown in our families and this sexual revolution that creates so many broken homes.... they are silent.

Why do you suppose that is? I believe the Left revels in our bloated welfare system because it is proven that most times, the people living off tax payers will vote for Democrats. Democrats love bigger Government control of the people. This for example is why Democrats want amnesty for illegal immigrants. They will vote for Democrats.

Jace(5222) Disputed
5 points

Under my logic morality is wholly subjective, so yes whatever someone says is (im)moral is (im)moral and at the end of the day the moral norm that prevails is that which has the most popular support. You're upset because that norm has shifted away from your sense of morality, but neither yourself nor anyone else can prove their morality is the "true" or better morality.

Incidentally, I'm not actually an everything goes and no accountability advocate. You'd know that if you ever bothered to stop and think about what I write instead of boxing me into your presumptive stereotypes. That would require some critical thought, though, heaven forbid.

Out of curiosity SaintNow, what time period would you prefer we be living in? I gather you're not a big fan of the modern day (all that modern medicine, technology, and communication just suck hey), so what time period do you think was the ideal one?

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

LOL, have you totally lost it?

How on earth could you make the ludicrous statement that I would want to speak out against good things such as modern medicine, technology, communication.

What you just did speaks to what I always say about people on this site who deceive and distort and exxagerate to put down another's argument or opinion.

TRY STICKING TO THE ARGUMENT. We are talking about immoral choices that are hurting this nation, hurting our children.

Those on this site know that I am not SaintNow. To say such mindess things is laughable. I debate SaintNow.

If you can't post something intelligent, try debating in your nation.

1 point

Whoah, okay, seems I've misspoken. Sorry about saying the wrong name, I had a different post by SaintNow open and got your names confused for a moment.

You say that these "immoral choices" are hurting the nation and our children, but we're undeniably living in the peak golden age of human civilization, so what makes you so sure that we're more morally corrupt now than at any other point in history?

A most complex question/problem, and one to which I certainly do not have the answer in my back pocket. But to address the issue I would respond as follows. With the virtual demise of Christianity in most western nations morals have not, in the main, been replaced with a personal code of behavioral standards. When I had my own business an office girl,( single mother) had a baby and,due to various complications the infant had to be in the office for a few hours each morning. I asked my foreman why the father did not provide for the baby and offer his support. Being younger than me and therefore more au fait with what was happening in the teenage world he informed me that, as a consequence of promiscuousness, drugs and booze she probably didn't have the first idea who the father was. Apparently the free sex of the enlightened age is considered quite normal. Except it is not free and someone, the taxpayer, has to pick up the tab. I guess the dilemma which all governments face is finding a balance between minimizing the hardship which the baby will have to endure as a consequence of relative poverty, and fairness to the taxpayer. In the U.K, it costs significantly more money to run the ''The Child Support Agency'' ( a government dept, which chases up absent fathers and deducts dosh from their wages to support their offspring) than they gather in. In rural societies the community tends to be self regulating, but in urban districts where people live in a faceless crowd without any sense of community responsibility nor necessity to live up to the values and acceptable guidelines there is no stigma attached to being a single mother many times over. I suppose the aforementioned are just a series of observations and anecdotes without any solutions forthcoming.

Jace(5222) Disputed
1 point

The "virtual demise" of Christianity in most western nations? Any evidence to support that stance? Or that morality is dependent on Christianity? Hearsay about the conditions of one person is hardly sound grounds for advancing your sweeping claims.

Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
0 points

Yes, I could, very easily, but as I'm not of a mind of doing so may I suggest that you ''Google it'' and there you will be able to let the light of knowledge relieve you present disgraceful state of ignorance. I assume you've been living on the moon for the past few decades, so do try to keep up with the events by visiting planet earth more frequently like a good chap.

0 points

Under the logic of many, there are simply differing views of what is considered moral. Many who drink and drive have determined through their moral standards that they can drive ok when drunk.

The difference between accepted differences in morality should be when a person's sense of morality hurts no one else but themselves.

Having one night hook and promiscuous sex have sentenced millions of children to lifetimes with no fathers. That is cruel and harmful. There are so many statistics showing the drastic harmful results for children abandoned by their fathers.

This is the perfect example of the no fault culture I speak to so often. Most everythng today is ok in this world. There is no fault in a person's choices in life, it's not their fault. They simply have differing views of what is moral and immoral, right?

Before anyone makes mindless statements that I want moral laws, SPARE ME.

I'm talking about shaming people who over and over choose to make irresponsible choices that hurt our children, hurt our society, that steals money from tax payers, etc.

I believe we should have commercials shaming dead beat fathers, shaming women who keep having sex with dead beat men who would never support their child should she get pregnant. Do you know how many women have multiple children on welfare with different fathers who walk away? We reward those women with bigger welfare checks.

Our society has no problem shaming certain behaviors such as racism, drunk driving, smoking, etc. They deem these things harmful but when it comes to the breakdown in our families and this sexual revolution that creates so many broken homes.... they are silent.

Why do you suppose that is? I believe the Left revels in our bloated welfare system because it is proven that most times, the people living off tax payers will vote for Democrats. Democrats love bigger Government control of the people. This for example is why Democrats want amnesty for illegal immigrants. They will vote for Democrats.

Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
1 point

There is a significant difference between, drunk driving, smoking and other unsocial/illegal activities which are not instinctive in mankind. You always seem to overlook, or perhaps don't quite fully appreciate that apart from self survival, sexual reproduction is the strongest human instinct, indeed sometimes overriding self preservation. The problem is, if you don't understand the strength of the sex drive in healthy men and women it is almost impossible to explain it to you, or anyone with a low libido. When in the heat of passionate love making the rest of the world doesn't exist. Even the most prudent man will throw caution to the wind when he is consumed by sexual desire. Nature has ensured that our ''lust'' for sex eclipses everything else and has established it as a congenital feature of the human psyche'. The social consequences of this primitive, but essential instinct is contrary to modern, P.C, ideology and the ''tongue wagging Bangor Presbyterians'' as we call them here in Northern Ireland.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

Wow, talk about the no fault culture I keep speakng to. You are the poster child! It's not my fault, I am programmed by my evolutionary sexual instincts to impregnate as many females as possibe to spread my gene pool! I have no control! LOL, wow.

Here's a newsflash... I do not have a low libido. I truly have a healthy sex drive and guess what? My wife is the only person I have ever had sex with. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?

I realize this sexual revolution has taught you to believe you have no control over your urges and thereby excludes you from all blame when getting girls pregnant. THAT IS PURE HOGWASH! It IS your fault, it IS a choice you make and you ARE in complete control from getting into a sexual situtation before it gets out of control.

Man is above an animal and has reason and can make moral choices beyond some sexual instinct.

So tell me, with all your indoctrinated ignorance, why was it 60 years ago we were not having all these un wed mothers raisng children with no fathers? If we were not in control of our sexual instincts back then, why were we living much more responsible lives?

If you spew the complete lie of how it was just as bad back then but people just did not know about it, I will ignore you.

I will give you a clue, our nation 60 years ago lifted up our traditional Christian moral values, and people were shamed if they walked out on their children. It works when a society speaks up for our children. Progressives hated any thought of moral responsibility and personal accountability so therefore the lie of Separation of Church was pushed to excuse this self love me me generation. This new enlightened progressive thought ushered in this epidemic of broken families bankrupting this nation.