
Debate Info

We should reject it We should NOT reject it.
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:3
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 We should NOT reject it. (1)

Debate Creator

doglover100(12) pic

We should reject tiger parenting

I am gonna go on a debate for it (we should reject it) so much help would be appreciated.


We should reject it

Side Score: 0

We should NOT reject it.

Side Score: 2
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2 points

Some aspects of it are good but some are just ridiculous, I agree that we should encourage kids to try their hardest with things, like at school as long as my daughtet gets an A for effort i'm happy because at least she's trying her best. If she gets less than that or is rude then we talk to her and punished if a punishment is justifiable.

Side: We should NOT reject it.