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Good Bad
Debate Score:46
Total Votes:48
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 Good (27)
 Bad (12)

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Asia1998(49) pic

Weed: Good or Bad?

legalizing weed has been a very popular and heated debate. Do you think it is good to legalize it or bad?


Side Score: 34


Side Score: 12
2 points

Drugs' don't have morale qualities, the way people use drugs does. So weed isn't bad in and of it self. Is legalization good though? There's specific arguments for legalizing cannabis, and there's general arguments for legalization for all drugs.

Specific for weed

- It's harmless for the body (exclusive weed smokers don't get lung cancer at a higher rate than non-smokers, death from acute poisoning is impossible, there's no data suggesting that cannabis causes schizophrenia in individuals first exposed in adulthood.)

- It doesn't promote aggressive behavior like alcohol does

- It has a low addictive potential

- The incoherent nature of tobacco products and alcohol being legal while cannabis products aren't.

General arguments

- Drug enforcement wastes billions

- It creates crime and enriches criminals

- Drug enforcement is incredible ineffective.

All data suggests that drug enforcement doesn't solve the problem. People will use drugs regardless of the act being illegal. The only things drug laws changes is that make perfectly well-functioning members of society criminals.

Side: Good
1 point

I am in support of your whole argument except for this part.

"The incoherent nature of tobacco products and alcohol being legal while cannabis products aren't."

This isn't really an argument for legalization as much as it is an argument for making the other two illegal. It's a 'two wrongs don't make a right' sort of thing. Dangerous drugs, like cocaine and heroine, shouldn't be made legal just because other dangerous drugs, like Oxycontin and codeine, already are.

Side: Good
2 points

You are right, thanks for point that out. By itself such a statement doesn't amount to an argument that cannabis needs to be legalized, it only amounts to a statement that something needs to change. However, if we can argue that alcohol and nicotine shouldn't be illegal, it then becomes a good pro-cannabis justification. I think such an argument for alcohol is fairly easy, significantly harder for nicotine.

Side: Good
1 point

I disagree. It's not a 'two wrongs don't make a right' sort of thing, it's a 'we already tried this, multiple times, and it fails horribly and makes the "problem" worse every time' sort of thing.

We have such things as organized crime thanks to the Prohibition era. With the booze cash cow gone, most organized crime these days trafficking in illicit drugs and weapons. If tobacco were to be criminalized, or alcohol re-criminalized, it's just putting more money into the hands of criminals while draining funds from taxpayers.

Criminalization of marijuana causes nothing but problems, and carries no tangible benefit. Legalization of marijuana not only removes a cash source for organized criminals and gangs, it also removes a significant proportion of government spending; it should also be noted that ~50% of inmates in federal prisons are convicted on marijuana charges, and that the vast majority of DEA operations involve marijuana as well. All of this is at the expense of the taxpayers.

With marijuana illegal, the criminals win at the expense of the taxpayer and government.

With marijuana legal, the taxpayers and government win at the expense of the criminals.

Side: Bad
1 point

It's so common that statistics show most have used it at least once in their lives.

It's already being legalized in some states, and is legal in other countries.

I believe the reason it's so popular is because of the taboo of doing something illegal. If it were made legal that taboo would dissipate, leaving nothing but the drug itself that doesn't really have too bad an effect if ingested a way other than smoke.

Side: Good

I'm going to vote good overall.

The few negative side affects associated with marijuana only surface after extreme long-term habitual usage; just about ANYTHING taken to extreme levels has negative effects, including sugar and even water.

On the other hand, there are a number of benefits associated with marijuana, ranging from simple casual enjoyment to direct medical application.

Is there ANY case to label marijuana as bad? Objectively speaking, that is- I don't really care about your personal moral issues with a plant.

Note that issues related to smoking are irrelevant here, as those issues are shared with other smokables, such as salvia and tobacco; marijuana can be taken in a number of ways beyond smoking, and in fact smoking is the least efficient and effective way to use it- it's just also the easiest and most convenient.

Side: Good
1 point

The few negative side affects associated with marijuana only surface after extreme long-term habitual usage; just about ANYTHING taken to extreme levels has negative effects, including sugar and even water.

There are numerous negative long-term and short-term side effects.

On the other hand, there are a number of benefits associated with marijuana, ranging from simple casual enjoyment to direct medical application.

There are things that you can do for enjoyment that aren't as harmful as Marijuana. Also, the medical application argument is completely false. Marijuana only stops pain temporarily, then it causes even more.

Is there ANY case to label marijuana as bad? Objectively speaking, that is- I don't really care about your personal moral issues with a plant.

It if very harmful to the physical body.

Side: Bad
1 point

Long-term side affects are only present after extreme long-term habitual usage, just as there are long-term side affects with such when any substance is overindulged in.

Short-term side affects are transient, and not worth consideration except where they are notably dangerous; they aren't, in this case.

The medical application argument is not false at all. Marijuana is known to reduce the risk of alzheimer's, as well as slow or even stop the progression of alzheimer's. It is also effective in reducing the size of tumors through the process of autophagy. Additionally, cancer patients aren't given cannabis primarily as pain relief, but rather primarily for reduction of nausea and to stimulate the appetite- severe nausea and loss of appetite are among the most common side affects of cancer treatment.

Cannabis is not harmful to the physical body at all. Smoking cannabis is, but that is a factor of smoke, not a factor of cannabis; smoking is in fact the most wasteful and inefficient way to consume cannabis, and remains popular only due to ease and convenience.

Side: Good
1 point

It's all gooood, brah!

Side: Good

1. Smoking weed is a waste of time because not much is accomplished while you are under it's influence.

Well, I would beg to differ on nothing getting done while you are under it's influence, but for the sake of argument, we'll say you are right. Now, marijuana is mostly (but not limited to) smoked for recreational purposes. Recreation is the act of leisure and enjoyment, so, why would it matter if someone used there own recreational time to not be productive? After all, most recreational activities aren't productive, because that's not the point of recreation. If your smoking weed on your own time for your own personal pleasure, what is so bad about it?

2. Weed is a gateway drug.

This idea seems plausible at first, especially when hard drug addicts share their stories and mention that they started on marijuana. Correlation isn't always the cause. Professional athletes most likely played sports while they attended school, but does that mean that because you played sports in high school you'll become a professional athlete? Of course not.

Side: Good

Both .

Side: Good
1 point

It's no worse for you than legal drugs like alchohol and nicotine, in fact its probably better as it is all natural and you can't overdose on it unlike alchohol and its good for all kinds of ailments and stick some tax on there help get the country out of the hole its in

Side: Good

Exactly! It can become such a huge cash crop like the tobacco companies have for us.

Side: Good
1 point

it's good but note for smoking for rops paper and other products

Side: Good

Drugs' don't have morale qualities, the way people use drugs does. So weed isn't bad in and of it self. Is legalization good though? There's specific arguments for legalizing cannabis, and there's general arguments for legalization for all drugs.

Side: Good

Drugs' don't have morale qualities, the way people use drugs does. So weed isn't bad in and of it self. Is legalization good though? There's specific arguments for legalizing cannabis, and there's general arguments for legalization for all drugs.

Side: Good

States can make plenty of revenue from the sale of legalized marijuana.

Side: Good
1 point

I smoked weed for 30 or more years, pretty much from the minute I woke up in the morning until bedtime. My old lady used to say I smoked pot like others smoke crack.

Anyway. I quit about two years ago mostly because buying it just got to be a big expensive pain in the ass. But also for health reasons. COPD being my biggest concern.

I definitely feel better now that I don't smoke. However, I would probably use it again if A.) it became legal and B.) they come up with an e-joint type delivery system. I definitely no longer what to break the law--I already have several pot related arrests and fines on my record, And, smoking all that tar and stuff which makes you cough your lungs out is no longer my idea of a good time.

Side: Bad
thousandin1(1931) Clarified
1 point

While nothing on the order of an e-joint seems to be available now, there are a number of products that allow you to vaporize the active ingredients, consuming a much higher percentage of the active ingredients and a much lower percentage of combustion by-products. At the upper end, with devices that use forced air with digitally controlled temperature (such as the Volcano line of products) combustion can be prevented altogether!

For something portable and akin to an e-joint, there are a few products available. One of them is actually made to look like an asthma inhaler, and is quite discrete. My brother actually used his with water-cured cannabis and walked right by a police officer and his dog without so much as a glance in his direction. I called him an idiot, but he wanted to test it...

Side: Good

Is this debate about weed itself being good or bad or the legalization of weed being good or bad? Well anyways... I say bad to both. Marijuana destroys your mind, and as such should remain illegal. Laws are put in place to protect people from harm. The legalization of Marijuana would (I feel) contradict the purpose of law.

Side: Bad
2 points

There is zero evidence that marijuana destroys the mind. If you claim otherwise, please provide sources.

A ban on marijuana simply is unreasonable when such substances as alcohol and tobacco remain legal- both are significantly more damaging than marijuana, and have physically addictive qualities to boot.

If you're for banning marijuana, tobacco, AND alcohol, that would be a more consistent position, but history has already shown how futile that is.

Side: Good
1 point

There is zero evidence that marijuana destroys the mind. If you claim otherwise, please provide sources. Page 10

You were saying?

A ban on marijuana simply is unreasonable when such substances as alcohol and tobacco remain legal- both are significantly more damaging than marijuana, and have physically addictive qualities to boot.

The only reason tobacco and alcohol remain legal is because governments collect so much money from taxes on them. Legalizing Marijuana would make the situation worse by having yet another harmful drug on the open market; but then I guess governments always do need more money (sarcasm).

If you're for banning marijuana, tobacco, AND alcohol, that would be a more consistent position, but history has already shown how futile that is.

Alcohol and tobacco yes, but Marijuana is still mostly illegal. I am arguing for the position to keep it illegal.

Side: Bad
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

Just wondering would you also be for making alcohol, and I guess cigarettes, since they destroy your tissue, illegal as well?

Side: Good
Idiotobx914(1339) Clarified
2 points

Certainly. The only reason why they aren't illegal is because governments collect millions-of-dollars-worth of taxes on them.

Side: Good

It increases your chance of getting psychotic illnesses. Also I think most places have bad enough obesity problems with out people getting fat off being on the munchies.

Side: Bad
2 points

Anecdotal evidence suggests that obesity rates are no higher amongst users of cannabis than they are amongst non-users; that seems to be a non starter.

I'm interested in hearing more regarding psychotic illnesses though- are there studies you are aware of that establish the correlation? As I understand it, the active ingredients in cannabis are actually beneficial towards some mental conditions, inc. alzheimers.

I believe that, worst case scenario, it's as potentially harmful as it is potentially helpful. More likely, though, is that it is helpful on the whole, if for no other reason than the fact that it is signficiantly more effective at reducing stress (linked to myriad health issues, including psychotic illness and obesity) than just about any legal substance.

Side: Good
TheAshman(2298) Disputed
2 points

Weed will only increase your chances of getting psychotic illnesses if your already susceptible to them or have them already, the manufactured drugs that the doctor will prescribe to treat these illnesses can also make them worse. Weed can also help people with alzheimers, epilepsy and arthritis, the manufsctured drugs for epilepsy are also the same as those for depression and other mental disorders and can also cause depression, psychotic episodes, mood swings, suicidal tendancies the list is too long for here, trust me I've been there it's not fun for the patient or those around them.

Side: Good