
Debate Info

lizards birds
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:11
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 lizards (6)
 birds (2)

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gag1192(6) pic

Were dinosaurs lizards or birds?


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 2

They were god's first attempt at making humans.

Side: lizards
2 points

He told them not to eat the forbidden fruit... They ate the whole tree... So he fucked their shit up with an asteroid.

Side: lizards


Side: lizards
1 point

Uhhhh... I could be wrong here, but I think they were dinosaurs.

Side: lizards

Pterodactyls were one of the only species of 'dinosaur' to fly (they weren't even dinosaurs but were animals from the era). Dinosaurs have so many reptilian features like scaly skin, cold bloodedness, leathery-egg-laying and tails that to callt hem a bird is simply ridiculous.

They weren't lizards but were far more related to them.

Side: lizards

Birds Evolved from dinosaurs. Dino's were obviously lizards.

Side: lizards
1 point

Aside from the fact that birds are dinosaurs, other dinosaurs are still very distant from lizards.

Side: birds

Some Dinosaurs were bird hipped and the others lizard hipped. But I am going with Birds as they probably are more closely related to dinosaurs as they evolved from them and are their descendants.

Side: birds