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 What High School SHOULD Teach You. (2)

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blayke13(362) pic

What High School SHOULD Teach You.

Are there things you feel like you should've learned in high school that you definitely didn't? Drop you course idea below. Anything! No idea is stupid. This is for a project. What should we have learned in high school?
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2 points

Education and High School are perhaps not wholly inclusive terms. That isn't in any respect a sarcastic, but just a serious perspective. If education of all sorts were truly taught, I imagine that would defeat the purpose of High School education.

That being said, I think the art of storytelling should be considered - not as a sub-branch of either English or English Literature, but its very own field. Same can be said for memory application.

High school students should learn FAR more about civics and politics than they do. They should also have to take a class about general life skills. Filing taxes, all about car loans and building credit, ect. Shit that is actually important but that school does nothing to equip you for.