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 What are some good pranks to pull on a teacher? (18)

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iLoveVersace(1098) pic

What are some good pranks to pull on a teacher?

Some of my teachers love to pull pranks. Us students have yet to think of a good one. Do you guys have any?

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2 points

I just randomly thought of this, I don't know if this ones a good one. Just walk around and fall, but make it that people actually believes it. Pretend that you fainted and when the teacher is about to call someone or help you just randomly scream and run out the class, still screaming like a wacko. You might get in serious trouble... But it's worth it.

HA! That is pretty intense. My friend has done something similar to that. He has faked passing out while entering the door and just as the teacher turned around to call the nurse he quietly got up and sat in his seat. It was very funny.

2 points

You're welcome. Anything to satisfy someone's pranking needs.

Lol. I did something similar to that in the cafeteria back when i was in school.

The difference was, that I took a swig of mountain dew, then started flailing around in my chair and then eventually fell over and onto the ground and did a perfect fake seizure on the floor, while mountain do was erupting from my mouth and doing that thing where you make your eyes roll to the back of your head.

The funnier part was that the principals and teachers were laughing as well as the students. I guess because I was known to be a joker or they just wanted me to die. xD

1 point

Teachers are to be obeyed and respected and not be pulling pranks on.

Why comment if your post doesn't meet the criteria of my debate? I just want some nice easy pranks to pull.

ABCSONG(20) Disputed
1 point

That breaks school rules and can result in punishment of police action I would highly advise not to do so.

1 point

I'm not really sure.

But nothing will ever beat what a teacher did a few years ago to a friends of mine. This friend has always been the top of our class and consistently gets 99s and 100s and will be school valedictorian this year. One time a teacher called him over and showed him a test he took on which the teacher wrote 65, my friend literally collapsed in anguish and was rendered speechless.

I've never seen a teacher execute a more impressive prank.

Ha! Wow. I have been pranked by my teacher quite often. I just have to find something really creative to do. My friend took our teacher photo and made wanted posters of him and put them around the school. I have taped the teachers keys to the ceiling (with the help of the tall guys in my class), but I need something cooler.

1 point

I have taped the teachers keys to the ceiling

Wow that's something I would do, I'm like 6'2.

Honestly, I don't really do pranks, just a bunch of really trivial stuff. When a teacher tells me to sit down, I sit on the floor and I often correct them if they say something like, "You guys did really good."

I don't know if you're in German, but my friend and I just realized this year that saying "Donkey Shit" sounds very similar to "Danke schön", and we've been saying it ever since...

Find out where the teachers get their coffee from and then put some type of laxative into the coffee mahbobber.

1 point

I once spent most of the class sticking post-it notes on the back of the kid sitting in front of me. By the time the teacher noticed, I had covered his entire back and used up all of my post-it notes.

I guess that's not really a prank on the teacher, but she was pissed. I couldn't stop laughing... which pissed her off even more.

1 point

A friend and I once peed in a plastic bag and stuck it in the teachers lounge freezer. That's kind of gross though. I don't recommend doing it.

Once in my class, many of us had smartphones, so we all downloaded an app, which made a loud and awkward sound when you clicked a button or something.

Then while in class, someone would make the phone make the noise for a second or something, then the teacher of course wanted to know what it was, and everybody would just pretend they didn't know anything. Then the person from the other side of the room made his phone go of, so the teacher was really confused where the sound came from.

At the end the sound just continued to come from different parts of the room, and it made the teacher so mad. Haha :D It was the best.

I was at a boarding school, and my roommate had the longest scarf in the world. it must have been like .. two meters long or something.

But right underneath our dorm, there was a classroom, and some of my classes were taken in there. So once I had a class in this particular room, I would pretend to go to the bathroom, and run upstairs to my friends, and we would tie stuff to the long scarf, and throw it out the window, so the people who were still in class would just see random things hang outside the window. We tied a guitar .. haha, it was so random. But it was probably just fun for us, not the rest of the class :p