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 What are your thoughts on Islam? (23)

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What are your thoughts on Islam?

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3 points

It's not for me.

I have a negative opinion on it like I do with most religions. But Islam is the worst in my opinion because it has been violent since it began, it was founded by an evil, tyrannical power hungry man and is incredibly sexist and homophobic, even more so than Christianity.

I recently watched a presentation on it and I gotta say, holy crap is it backwards. It's like the estranged brother of Christianity. the estranged brother of Christianity. It developed from it. I always think of it like, ok so "God" (which is the term I will continue to use, although the different religions name him differently) had his little Jew people running around for however long, then said ok, you guys are screwing up, here's Jesus - reset button! We've got Christianity. So they ran around for a while, and God goes, ok, you guys still aren't getting this, let's try this again. BOOM - Mohammad and Islam. Really, none of them are that different. Islam seems that way because of what we see in the media and such, but it's only a little stricter than Christianity.

1 point

It's a false religion that is spread by the sword. that basically say that if you don't convert you die. The Quran also has a ton of contradictions! It's not for me that's fore sure.

Nebeling(1117) Disputed
3 points

It's a [...] religion that is spread by the sword.

Christianity used to be spread by sword, it's more civilized now although Christian expansionism is essentially violent. These days, Christian communities are attacking science education because it threatens the roots of Christian superstition. There's even an attack on secularization which should be a rather obvious indication that Christianity is a "you have no choice but to pick us"-religion. So why is Islamistic expansionism such a big problem if it isn't for Christianity?

Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

No, it hasn't. The reason why the Christian community is attacking the science community is because what they are teaching in school about evolution. I recall that religion isn't supposed to be taught in school and it's being taught in school and that's evolution. Christianity isn't about "you have no choice but to pick us". That's Islam because they still do that today by threatening to kill people if they don't believe. Not Christianity. Christianity people accept is because they have been called by God to accept Him freely. If you don't accept Christ then it's fine nothing will happen to you, but for Islam if you leave you will die.

TheAshman(2298) Disputed
2 points

Because Christianity is famed for the peaceful way that it's been spread!! Prove that Islam is false, what proof do you have that any religion isn't false?

Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

I guess, you didn't even read those links, I posted because I just posted a ton of contradictions in the Quran.

"Islam's origins have been traced back by scholars to the ancient fertility religion of the worship of the moon god which was always the dominant religion of Arabia. The moon god was worshipped by praying toward Mecca several times a day, making an annual pilgrimage to the Kabah which was a temple of the moon god, running around the Kabah seven times, caressing an idol of a black stone set in the wall of the Kabah, running between two hills, making animal sacrifices, gathering on Fridays for prayers, giving alms to the poor, etc.. These were pagan rites practiced by the Arabs long before Muhammad was born."


So as we can see from above, Islam origin is that they worship the moon god. That's why they have the crescent moon as the symbol of Islam.

DrawFour(2662) Disputed
1 point

Srom, your Christian hypocrisy is showing, yet you claim not to be one.

Are you forgetting all of the people who died at the hands of Christians spreading their religion?

As for the alleged contradictions in the Quran, it explicitly says in their holy book, that directions said later in the book, supersede things said earlier. That's a lot more direct than the bible's "take of it what you will" method.

Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

Srom, your Christian hypocrisy is showing, yet you claim not to be one.

I never claimed, I wasn't a Christian.

Yes, I know for a fact, a lot of people died for Christ. They were martyrs.

As for the alleged contradictions in the Quran, it explicitly says in their holy book, that directions said later in the book, supersede things said earlier. That's a lot more direct than the bible's "take of it what you will" method.

Your link is broken, and I cannot access it.

kaveri(319) Disputed
1 point

It is not any more false that Christianity or any other random tribal religion..

Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

How is Christianity false?

1 point

It is immature and backward political system with integrated modified Judaism in it.

1 point

Islam is a peaceful religion. Islam encourages people to follow the right path and worship Allah and no other gods. Islam is not a violent religion as some people seems to think. Mostly it has been misunderstood and over the years generation after generation people have grown a great disliking towards it and gradually strayed away from its teachings. Islam doesn't force anyone to follow and only acts on self defense or fights only in the cause of Allah. People who feel that Islam is violent is gravely mistaken. Islam won't ever force anyone to convert their religion they are left on their own accord.

I do not approve of Sharia Law that calls for the execution of homosexuals.