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Debate Score:17
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 What brought you to CreateDebate? (14)

Debate Creator

Quocalimar(6470) pic

What brought you to CreateDebate?

This is my 50th debate, my 30th day, and just under 1000 points.

I came here about a month ago because after I was outraged with the way Screw Attack ruled in the Superman Vs Goku fight, I wanted to find a debate site to see what actual people thought. My debate went unnoticed, but I persevered and after some studying of the debates and debaters I found my way, my enemies, and even some allies. 

A man with red hair contemplating why he came to     A layout explaining the importance of CreateDebate

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2 points

I came to CD because I had an idea for a site like this one. Then I bought CD. Why? Because I love it and everyone here.

Thanks to all who come and join for any reason!

That description is my reason. P.s. That Superman vs Goku debate still exists and i still want to know what people think. Check it out if you like.

1 point

Quocalimer: "my 30th day, and just under 1000 points."

Prodigee: "My 19th day and over 2000 points."

Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
2 points

I got my points posting comments that i care about that mean something and add to a debate. You posted spam everywhere.

Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

I care about everything that I post.

My God..., how long has it been since I posted that picture? I'm surprised you found it ;)

I came here because I read about it and I tend to join new sites. Then I stayed because of the people ;)

1 point

Seriously, what is with you and seeing boobies on CD? There are many sites for that.

1 point

I had hoped for some intellectual discussion and debate based on reason, logic, and evidence. So far, all I see is a bunch of kids trolling one another. So far the only serious debater I've found here is the dude with "sunday" in his username (sorry; but I forget your actual username). We disagree often; but I can at least respect the fact that he's about the only person here that puts up a decent effort.

Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
2 points

Many people clown around on here because they have already debated just about everything imaginable or as you stated, can't find some one to seriously debate with. Taqwacore, you're welcome to message me anytime you want a serious debate, I'll debate anything that I have enough knowledge to debate. Won't debate which game is the best, best music, etc. Will debate politics, influence of music on society, things that are of this nature.

Del1176(4975) Disputed
1 point

chadonsunday is a loser.

1 word: Boredom

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters.

1 point

I like yelling at people

At least you're honest.