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Grenache(6053) pic

What country will you move to if dangerous idiots gain control of the US governm

Hypothetical scenario only.  Let's say the conservative dream delegate gets elected and the conservatives control both Houses as well and thus they can achieve: 1) Repeal of every gun law, 2) Reversal of Roe vs Wade, 3) Guantanamo for Liberals, 4) Abolishing the EPA, Department of Education, IRS, and National Parks Service, 5) Cutting all safety net programs, 6) Border walls and 100% deportation rates, 7) Taxpayer support of Christian organizations, 8) Prayer and creationism in schools and no more evolution theory, 9) Not only no new taxes but a complete rollback of taxes on the rich, and 10) Enhanced censorship of the things some consider obscene.  OK, it's heaven to some and hell to others.  Who is getting out of here and where to?
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1 point

Canada is an easy choice but I fear someday soon down the road the new USA would directly screw with Canada. I suppose I could try to transfer to my company's offices in France or Germany but I don't speak the languages. And there's other cool countries but of course you'd have to get there and start a new life somehow. Tough to choose.

Oh, there is such a wide choice it would be difficult to make a snap decision. There is Mexico, North Korea, Iraq, Syria, Russia, China, Afghanistan, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Columbia and Saudi Arabia. The list of democracies which offer immigrants freedom of religious and political expression along with free housing, education, health service and other social benefits is indeed endless.

1 point

North Korea would be nice. I hear they not only protect wildlife like giant pandas but made one of them their supreme ruler.

Yes, sound choice there. However, why not go for gold and opt for either the Falls Road or the Shankill Road in Belfast Northern Ireland where they while away the hours knee-capping each other between the ears and blowing their civilian population to smithereens.

1 point

(Donald Trump) but Australia as their security systems are outstanding, you couldn't even drop a bomb in that place because it is like the country has a protective force field around it

1 point

Ideally I would move to Japan. However, most of my friends' families are vowing to move to Canada if Donald Trump or Ted Cruz become president so I'll probably do that. I'd love to live in Toronto.

I have Canadian citizenship as a backup but I would rather go to Europe. The UK or Germany.

1 point

I'd move to the burmuda triangle. I'd fricken kill myself.

1 point

I'm so glad I don't live in America. In this scenario, I'd stay where I am.