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 What do slave traders, nazi's and pro abortion people have in common? Dehumanize victims. (6)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

What do slave traders, nazi's and pro abortion people have in common? Dehumanize victims.

Through out the ages, have you noticed the similarities in arguments put forth to sanction inhumanity on others?

Many people supporting slavery considered Black people less than human and not deserving of the same rights as they enjoyed.

Nazi's declared Jews as inferior to their superior Aryan race....
For Hitler and other leaders of Nazi movement, the ultimate value of a human being lay not in his or her individuality, but in his or her membership in a racially defined collective group. The ultimate purpose of a racial collective was to ensure its own survival.

Thankfully, the inhumanities from those two examples are behind us as decent compassionate people stopped the brutality.

I wonder how many decades or centuries it will take for Abortion to become another historical record of man's brutality for sake of self. In the same way Nazi's considered Jews as a threat to their survival, many pro abortion proponents consider abortion as a means to population control. Do you see the comparisons?

It's kind of ironic how in the past the Democrat party was the one supporting slavery(and the republicans trying to stop it), while today it is the Democrat party supporting abortion on demand at any stage up to birth for any reason, while the Republicans are trying to secure the right to life of our most innocent human lives.

My hope is that abortion will become another shameful part of human history, and abolished for the inhumanity it represents.

It seems that Democrats still lack the most basic compassion and love for all innocent people. They are still at odds with history and the inhumanity of man. They think by calling that unborn life it's medical name "fetus" that this dehumanizes the innocent life and justifies killing the Baby.

The Left is big on the right's of their voting blocks, whether it be rights for two men getting married, or the rights of a boy going into a girls bathroom, etc., but when it comes to innocent lives, they draw lines on who deserves the right to life.

It's a FETUS don't you know? It is not deserving of our protection. Sound familiar?
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1 point

Hey dipshit, when you call black guys who never received a trial, but were shot by cops anyway criminals you are dehumanizing them. Hypocrite

0 points


And more...seems our resident dipshit is a shameless plagiarizer. He lifted most of that rant from here.........

LOL....and a hypocritical plagiarizing dipshit, as he accused ME of not being able to speak about science (of all things!) on my own for only posting a LINK that supported my post, that WAS in my own words.

(It was an NPR link that supported my claim on how eating meat may very well have aided us in evolving and prevailing, sue to our better-nourished and thus, more powerful brains.)


1 point

Wasn't it Harvard that didn't like your link, not FromWithin?

About Nazis. Hitler or actually Goering speaking on behalf of Hitler, said that they didn't consider Jews stupid. They just knew that Jews desired to rule through the banks. It was more of idealology more than a race being genetically superior.

Even netinyahu admitted Hitler did not wanna kill Jews . He offered to send them out but no one wanted them?? Hmmm

You've got to do some deep history study to understand the extent of Jew hatred. They are hated in Slavic lands too. The Jews are responsible for some oppression and enslavement too.

1 point

Conservatives would rather a child be born into a broken home and be forced to endure a life of poverty, no love, physical/sexual abuse, and in general, just a poor quality of life that most wouldn't wish upon anyone. But god forbid a few cells that retain absolutely no consciousness, no sense of reality, pain or life be halted before it reaches the latter.

0 points

It's kind of ironic how conservatives defend the right of a fetus to live and don't give a DAMN for the baby AFTER it is born! Can't afford health insurance? Can't afford medical care for yourself or your new baby ...tough shit, we'll close down the only places you could get it, or thin them out so bad that few of you can get TO it! So solly the REAL baby died! And the mother too??Double solly, but we saved the FETUS!

The Nazi's pushed the same "Nationalism" and "isolationism" that Trump is pushing. I'm surprised he hasn't offered "A Volkswagen in every garage" (Or .... what's the name of that Russian car?? hmmm.)