
Debate Info

Originals Remakes
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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 Originals (5)
 Remakes (3)

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Cottonball(256) pic

What do you prefer on average: Originals or Remakes?

O'course, I'm referring to movies.


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 3

I feel just the opposite of Cottonball. I do not generally like re-makes unless it has something to do with space travel. That is, for me, when you see the great advances in film. There are just some films that should never be re-made nor could they be with today's lack of character actors. I'm talking of films mostly from the simply cannot be done in my estimation.

No bad side here cottonball...just two sides of the coin, LOL!

Side: originals
1 point

Well it depends on the movie. I'm not bias against a remake just because it's a remake. It's cliche to say the original is always better.

But the thing is, Hollywood is making way to many remakes and way to many sequels. There is no creativity anymore. They aren't creating movies. They are just making them.


Side: no creativity anymore
Cottonball(256) Disputed
1 point

Remakes and sequels are just more commonly shown on the "big screen" simply because it'll draw in more of an audience. Why? It's because the viewers are already familiar with what they are about to watch. Remakes and sequels are made all of the time because a lot of people go in to watch them.

However, there are plenty of new movies introduced to the market every day. Many have a somewhat original plot, it is just the way it's presented. Movies seemed more creative back in the day because there were few ideas already out there. Now, its hard to make a movie without deriving from another film.

Side: remakes
1 point

I'm going on this side because I have to choose one of the sides, right? :)

I don't think originals and remakes should be compared. The original is one interpretation and the remake is another interpretation of the same story, usually with more special effects making it more enjoyable for younger audiences. But I love them both. They're both unique in their own ways and cannot be compared as better or worse, on average. Of course, however, you can compare one specific original to its remake.

Side: cannot compare
1 point

Sequels are fine, but if anyone ever tries to remake Dirty Dancing....

Side: originals

I prefer the original because the original gets planted in your mind.

Side: Originals
1 point

I'm sure that this post will get me on a lot of people's bad side, but I honestly prefer remakes over originals the majority of the time.

My reason is simple, really. Remakes don't have many cheesy scenes, are obviously recorded in quality far greater than the original, and many times they even explain the plot more clearly. There are even some remakes, or "revisions," of movies out there that change things around. They derive from the original, and add unsuspecting twists and turns that even the audience usually can't predict.

Don't get me wrong, I do like some originals better than the remakes...but not usually.

Side: remakes
1 point

Depends on the movie. I'm trying to think of remakes, and I can only recall one at the top of my head, and that's The Amittyville Horror. I liked the remake of this because of the added ghost effects that made it more "watchable." The original is fine, but it can be a bore. I'm sure I've liked a couple originals of...whatever they were... but for the most part, I probably do prefer remakes because I tend to not like ancient (hehe, bad word, I know) quality movies, like black and white. And I like added special effects and rethought plots that made the movies easier to watch.

Side: remakes