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 What does the Bible say about gays? If you're a Christian, don't lie. (6)

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Redeemed(1428) pic

What does the Bible say about gays? If you're a Christian, don't lie.

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0 points

That's hard to stop today. What does the Bible say about lying? We have a Christian President who is "verifiable", and the latest number of lies ….. of this phony "Christian" (THAT is NOT verifiable!), Pr*sident is 15,413. How can we expect anything else from the "Christians" who support him?? It the new right wing FAD!

I would definitely trust an honest "FAG" over a FHONY, FAKE Christian! I still have respect for the REAL Christians, but, those who won't accept the proof that not all "God's Creations" are "perfect", as THEY expect anyway, and DENY the PROOF that they are supporting one of the worlds most prolific liars, …. well, can you say hypocrites?? ;-(

2 points

I know, right? People of my faith are so judgemental. I love Jesus too much to be an ass like them.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed Banned
1 point

I can say the hypocrite who admits to having sex with 60 women, and supporting the killing of viable babies, having the audacity to judge Trump for any sins?

LOL, you are as sick a hypocritical fool as it comes!

When you watch those Special Olympic children competing on the Track field, do you EVER grasp that you support killing them when they are viable babies? You support killing Special Need's babies you sick joke!

Is that the compassion and tolerance and inclusivity of sick depraved hypocrites like you in the Democrat Party?

You call me a phony Christian, with absolutely no proof of your claim! You call anyone who actually believes the Bible as being phonies.

The ones you call true Christians are the ones who support your many sex partner's right to kill your babies so you would not have to raise them! Those are the good Christians to sick jokes like you.

2 points

I can say the hypocrite who admits to having sex with 60 women, and supporting the killing of viable babies, having the audacity to judge Trump for any sins?

LOL, you are as sick a hypocritical fool as it comes!

Why don't you stop raging and go have a nice cup of tea? You'll give yourself a hernia.

Redeemed(1428) Disputed
1 point

Banned for calling me a phoney Christian with no proof of your claim. Hypocrite.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I didn't consider it "having sex", I considered it "making love with one I felt love for". You can "love someone" for the present, it doesn't HAVE to be a constant thing. If it had to be we would have to "love" those who do things against us, or our friends or family … constantly. I'm happy that I found so many to love, if for a short time. It's SO much nicer than hating … try it. ;-)