
Debate Info

Resist Trump Tank the economy blame Trump
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:14
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 Resist Trump (1)
 Tank the economy blame Trump (3)

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Rustikus(174) pic

What fiscal plan do the Democrats have if we vote them into power?

Resist Trump

Side Score: 2

Tank the economy blame Trump

Side Score: 4
0 points

Hi bronto.

They are going to run on fighting corruption (i.e. draining the swamp) and then the moment they get into power they plan to hire half a dozen Goldman Sachs senior executives. You know Goldman Sachs, right? They're the guys who dumped all their bad portfolios onto unsuspecting customers right before the 2008 crash, the guys with ties to the insider trading which happened on 9/11, and the guys who helped finance Hitler.

Oh no wait. That's not Democrats. That's Republicans. Weird that you are here implying the Democrats don't have a better "fiscal plan" than handing the economy over to world class crooks, but hey, I'm guessing it has to do with you BEING A FUCKING IDIOT.

Side: Resist Trump
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

Hi bronto.

They are going to run on fighting corruption (i.e. draining the swamp) and then the moment they get into power they plan to hire half a dozen Goldman Sachs senior executives. You know Goldman Sachs, right? They're the guys who dumped all their bad portfolios onto unsuspecting customers right before the 2008 crash, the guys with ties to the insider trading which happened on 9/11, and the guys who helped finance Hitler.

Oh no wait. That's not Democrats. That's Republicans. Weird that you are here implying the Democrats don't have a better "fiscal plan" than handing the economy over to world class crooks, but hey, I'm guessing it has to do with you BEING A FUCKING IDIOT.

NOM what you BABBLING about ????????

Side: Tank the economy blame Trump
QuangdonsHog(23) Disputed
-5 points

The Democrats have a fiscal plan. It's called socialism whereby you use and abuse the responsible hard working Americans, and reward lazy able bodied dead beats.

Doe that sound like a good ideology? If it does, get off these debates sites because you are an absolute fool!

Side: Tank the economy blame Trump