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 What is Your Opinion About the Portrayal of Blacks in Advertising? (8)

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Hellno(17724) pic

What is Your Opinion About the Portrayal of Blacks in Advertising?

Blacks are almost never portrayed negatively in advertising.... if there's a negative role it is usually given to a white person... like in home security adverts it's a white dude breaking into the house, never a black guy. Or insurance adverts it's always a stupid white dude that is at fault. I'm not asking if all negatives roles should be portrayed by black people, I'm just asking if race relations have come far enough yet, in your opinion, that it's okay to start having blacks play the some of the negative roles?
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I think that they should portray black people with a very light colored background. Otherwise, they are very hard to see. Unless they are smiling ;)

They now try to have at least one of us on it now but normally they can't see us because of those dark advertisement area.

2 points

Our society is filled with a bunch of whiny brats. People are getting too used to complaining. Not only would blacks get offended by a black being portrayed negatively, but I wouldn't be suprised if a bunch of whites bitched about it too.

1 point

So.... when whites are in the minority, will things be reversed? I doubt it.

1 point

No way... and I just want to clear up that when I said I wouldn't be suprised if whites bitched about it too, I meant that I wouldn't be suprised if they complained that the black was being stereotyped as well, because that's how our society is now. People get offended by everything.

2 points

I get what you're saying. I can't really give a complete opinion about this because I'm not from the U.S. and I haven't watched television in about two years now.

Now, I do believe that Black people should be portrayed in negative roles if the case is that they are almost never being portrayed negatively. I do not believe, however, that race relations have progressed enough to begin to show Black people negatively in a near equal amount to White people. Racism towards Black people is still alive and well in the United States. I can't 100% vouch for my opinion since I don't live there and I don't experience racism toward Black people in my country, but the Paula Deen thing has tested inter-racial relations. I'd say that about half of the people would support Paula Deen not because the food network channel stripped her of all associations with them, but because they don't think that what she said and how she allegedly acted was wrong. If a White person is portrayed as a burglar on television, people will shrug it off as "just a commercial". If a Black person is portrayed as a burglar, it will help to deepen a lot of White people's fears about Black people. Again, this is coming from someone who doesn't watch television.

1 point

Okay, if you can figure out what in the hell I was trying to say then leave an opinion....

1 point

I believe that we are all one human race, but Cauasiocentrism is unfair IMHO. Good question, Hellno.