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I think it will be... I don't know (Then Fuck off)
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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 I think it will be... (5)
 I don't know (Then Fuck off) (2)

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Facadeon(508) pic

What is beyond existence? Beyond the void? Beyond the fade? Beyond the Praeterum

Hello people of CreateDebate

Hello people of CreateDebate

(I said it twice, so shut the fuck up about it)

Have you ever thought about this? Thinking outside the outside of the outside of the box- and so on. Box-ception- or further than that?

The only thing we can do is guess, but throwing a dart in the dark could help us learn and nigger out what deviates from the truth, so we can, ourselves, come closer to the truth. (Fuck you.)

If we can try this out of box thinking, we can step closer to comprehending the truth behind our perceptuary existensial experiences. And why I can type shit on a keyboard and how it works. 


I just made up the word Praeterum since praeter means beyond :3. Though it's meant to utter the concept of 'beyond the beyond'. That's what I want it to mean. Don't have to tug your close relative's hemorrhoid over it, don't we now? (Although I'm sure you have a close relationship with your relative, and you value their existence subconsciously, even though you think little of them. Just don't think of their sex life since you know that every human on Earth is sexual [even your grandparents] but you know you can't help but think about it, because you are a sick fucker of a human being, and your mind just loves to fuck you over with sickening thoughts of your relatives --.) Or maybe it's just me. 

Okay bumfuck, tell me what you ponderously conceptualize about this?


I think it will be...

Side Score: 6

I don't know (Then Fuck off)

Side Score: 2
2 points

More existence.

Side: I think it will be...
1 point

It would be an unstable nullence with violently shaking protrusions and matter-less forces that tremble and shake after every movement in the universe. This outer layer anchors the universe, and holds control over everything and their opposites by their massive threads shaking to the frequencies of existence. There is no existence in there, and seeing into this place will be like looking behind your eyes, or experiencing death. There is no matter or energy, just an outer layer that is used to hold all consequential impacts by the frequencies of all force, energy and matter.

Side: I think it will be...
1 point

Elvira is correct. By its nature there cannot be something outside of existence because then that thing would not exist.

Known existence you mean maybe? In which case your guess is as good as any, it not being known.

My guess is the Universe is a loop within itself and outside is a series of similar expanding loops. Whether there is a definite number or whether these are indeed infinite (infinite then being the natural state and our minds simply are not able to comprehend that notion) is a toss-up in my mind.

Or it's a turtle's dream in outer space (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)

Side: I think it will be...

LOL nigger it out HAHAHAHA!!!! XD .

Side: I think it will be...
1 point

Logical Logical Logical Logical Logical Logical



Side: I don't know (Then Fuck off)

I try to think about what it would be like where there was nothing. Like before the universe. Like, nothing nothing. Like, it wouldnt be just white space, but clear, clear, nothing......OW! hurt my brain.......

Side: I don't know (Then Fuck off)
Facadeon(508) Disputed
1 point

White is produced by photons and photons are energy.

Side: I think it will be...