
Debate Info

Preventing things worsening. Trying to make things better.
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Preventing things worsening. (1)
 Trying to make things better. (3)

Debate Creator

PookaWooka(173) pic

What is more important in life?

Preventing things worsening.

Side Score: 1

Trying to make things better.

Side Score: 3

You can make things better after preventing them from worsening.

Side: Preventing things worsening.
1 point

Making things better. I want to be a mental health advocate and specialize in people who have been abused or bullied and show them that they can ...get better?

Side: Trying to make things better.
upvote(21) Banned
1 point

Getting you off of CreateDebate would definitely make life a little better.

Side: Trying to make things better.
1 point

Surely if your making things better your are also preventing them from worsening!!

Side: Trying to make things better.