
Debate Info

it's breakfast it's lunch
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 it's breakfast (3)
 it's lunch (2)

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kern(10) pic

What is most important meal Breakfast or Lunch?

it's breakfast

Side Score: 3

it's lunch

Side Score: 2
1 point

It is obviously breakfast because imagine you have just woke up in the morning and you haven't had a drink or something to eat for 7 or 8 hours so you must be thirsty and hungry. So breakfast in my option is the most important meal of the day simply because it sets you of for the long day ahead.

Side: it's breakfast

I hate breakfast because of the lack of appetite I have in the morning. But that also results in me being extremely hungry at lunch, thus eating for about five people. Then my supersized meal at lunch results in me feeling kind of sick, and not eating anything at all the rest of the day.

Not eating breakfast creates a bad routine - If you eat a proper breakfast, you will be properly hungry for lunch, and eat a proper sized lunch then also, which also makes you properly hungry at dinner, and if you also eat a proper sized dinner, you will most likely have a better appetite the morning after and continue a good routine of meals :)

Side: it's breakfast
1 point

Breakfast is the most important meal because it will help you get your day started and its not healthy to skip breakfast.

Side: it's breakfast

Personally, I don't eat Breakfast, so, I would be partial toward Lunch as being the most important meal.

Side: it's lunch
1 point

most people like my mom just rush out of the house and dont eat breckfast. so by lunch she is starving

Side: it's lunch