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 What is the Biggest Challenge Obama Faces as President? (13)

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andsoccer16(1785) pic

What is the Biggest Challenge Obama Faces as President?

Economy? War? Unity?

The Economy? Energy? The war..excuse me, two wars? Iran?

Our country is pretty fucked up right now, and it's Obama's job to fix it. Which is going to be the most difficult task?

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The most difficult task for Obama is not the economy nor the war nor the energy crisis, it will be walking on water. Just because magicians like that Mind Freak Chriss Angel can walk on water doesn't mean Obama will be able to pull it off and that will disappoint a lot of people that want their water to be turned into wine. I'll be satisfied if he just gets me free beer.

1 point

That has to be one of your ten most asinine responses to a serious question to date Joe!

I don't think the war will be THE problem...I believe it will be the overall economy of this country and how it effects us and our relations (debts) abroad. Unity will come and energy is one of his known projects as is health care. Health care may be the next toughest nut but one day, it will be a non-issue if they can ever figure out the best foot to start on and tweak it as it goes along.

Side: The Economy and Healthcare
1 point

To me it's the War. The economy is fucked either way, and it will fix itself over time (we might have mass inflation though due to Obama's tax increases). But the War is where he will make drastic decisions. Israel was planning on attacking Iran while Bush was still in office because they feared that Obama will get in instead. If Israel attacks now and we agree to follow them in, Obama will be given the Iran War, and he will have to decide on whether to abandon Israel (our greatest ally) or agree to fight a war he said he will try to avoid as much as possible.

Side: War

I agree that the war is the biggest issue. The problem though with our alliance with Israel is similar to what happened in WWI. The Germans told Austria that they would back them no matter what decision they made, an event known as "the blank check." Germany put the fate of their country in the hands of Austrian leaders, and in the process were dragged into a war that eventually became one of the largest conflicts the world had ever seen.

The most intelligent action would be to only go to war with Iran if they attack Israel, not the other way around. American policy should be decided by us not the Israelis. In the meantime Obama should concentrate on avoiding a war with Iran at all costs, and making sure they don't obtain nuclear weapons.

Side: War

Health care, the environment, the war, and the economy. But we cannot improve the health care system, invest in cleaner fuel systems, or help the economy if we keep spending so much in Iraq! So I guess that I would say the war because that issue can affect all of the others!

Side: War
1 point

It's the economy and healthcare, war isn't really that big of an issue right now.

Side: The Economy and Healthcare
2 points

Right now we're in Iraq and Afganistan and we're looking for someone who we think is in Pakistan and there is an escalating conflict between Iran (a country that may soon have access to nukes) and Israel (our biggest ally in the region).

But hey, that's not a big deal, right?

Side: War
1 point

Hmm... that's a good point

Side: War
1 point

gotta agree with you on that one

Side: War
1 point

I think the economy is the bigger challenge.

The answer to the war is easy: pull out asap while ensuring Iraq and Afghanistan remain stable. Leaving the Mid-East perfectly stable might not be feasible, but at least we have a clear goal.

The right direction for economy is not nearly so easy to understand. There are just so many hard questions and the solutions will require sacrifices from the American people.

Side: The Economy

It is 2015 and the President has admitted that gun control has been his biggest challenge.

Side: The Economy
-1 points

it will be dilling with other countires and if he dosnt then looks like hes good

Side: hah
1 point

dilling with countries, what?, like pickles huhuhuhuhuhuhu

Side: War