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 What is the best country in the world to be a writer? (3)

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NahuelALopez(7) pic

What is the best country in the world to be a writer?

I'm about to make a degree in English Language and Literature and I wonder what's the best country in the world to become a full-time writer. 

After finishing my studies maybe I'm moving to Australia, the US, Canada or England to work as teacher or as a literary agent. When I'll get to one of those countries I'll try to get published.

Here there are some questions that will help you to answer my question:

A) In which of those countries it is easier to get published?

B) In which of those countries people buy more books?

C) In which of those countries it is easier (or possible) to make a living as a writer?

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1 point

You'll probably have the best chance of being successful in either Australia or England. Currently, the writing business is overwhelmed with American writers. If you go to America, it's not likely you're going to write a bestselling novel (the main reason being that is so competitive).

As far as Australia goes, I know there can be a large improvement in the literacy of school students and even adults. Any books you can write for us will help lots. I know it seems like the easy way out (both in my first and second paragraphs) but money can be made where your books and other inspirational pieces are made most. Like clowns going to hospitals.

Like a flower who leans to one side in order to reach the sun, there is almost always a need for compromises.

1 point

With Amazon publishing, you can be a writer anywhere.

Ad revenue please.

BlueEyed15(140) Clarified
1 point

That's a good option too.

I suppose there's no need to move when this platform is readily available. A holiday might be all you need to spark some ideas.

NahuelALopez(7) Disputed
1 point

Of course I'm going to publish in Amazon but I also like publishing in a Publisher; and make a living of it. But I don't know what country of those is the best.

flewk(1193) Clarified
1 point

Amazon publishing is very lucrative. It is much cheaper than conventional publishers who monopolize the market.

If you really want to move to a place to write, then you should move for resources, not for publishers.