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 What is the one thing that Obama would have to do before you change your mind about him? (13)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

What is the one thing that Obama would have to do before you change your mind about him?

If you like him,          what would he have to do for you to stop liking him?

If you don't like him, what would he have to do for you to start liking him?

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I would like Obama more if there were more jokes about him ;)

For example: Did you know Obama is a redneck word?

Here's one way it's used: I bought a case of beer and drank it Obama self ;)

I'm blown away by the quality of prodentim this article. Fantastic work!

1 point

I guarantee you that instead of being open minded people will turn this into, "I would hate him if he turned republican" or vice versa.

I would consider liking him if he didn't appoint people that have screwed up so bad in the past.

Side: appoint better people
1 point

He should first make the people of America satisfy that he is worth it.

And then the world.

i think all that he's done after being pres is sitting in the white house and admire its beauty

Side: Satisfy his Subjects

Placing limits on executive powers: In the early days of his presidency, Congressional Quarterly praised Obama for appearing as if he was "rejecting some of Bush's most expansive executive power claims" in the White House. However, that sentiment quickly evaporated among Obama supporters and opponents, with Salon's Glenn Greenwald noting in April that the White House had "explicitly claimed to possess the very presidential powers that Bush critics spent years condemning as radical, lawless and authoritarian."

Side: executive powers limits
Mahollinder(900) Disputed
0 points

Placing limits on executive powers....

Cite your source next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: executive powers limits
Side: executive powers limits
0 points

If he where to actually keep the Bush Tax cuts and realize that 5% is huge deal when is comes to business and how it will affect the unemployment rate even more. Also getting a clue on Cap and Trade and realize what a disaster that would be.

Side: executive powers limits
Mahollinder(900) Disputed
2 points

If he where to actually keep the Bush Tax cuts and realize that 5% is huge deal when is comes to business and how it will affect the unemployment rate even more.

The Bush tax cuts will continue to be in effect until about 2011. And small businesses are responsible for the brunt of American employment, and most small business owners aren't the ones who benefited from the tax-cuts.

Also getting a clue on Cap and Trade and realize what a disaster that would be.

We already have cap and trade systems going in America, which have been working well and without noticeable criticism.

Side: executive powers limits
0 points

that one thing he must do is

he should practicalise all his speeches, instead of getting his neck ache

Side: think practical
0 points

This is a great litmus-test type question, because narrow-minded ideologues (Republican or Democrat) would never be able to answer it.

Really, as long as he doesn't screw up the country as much as Bush, he will have succeeded in my book. This means, 1) fund science, 2) improve our international image, 3) get us out of endless wars, 4) improve the economy.

If he stops or fails to do any one of those things, I'd probably stop liking him. I'll give him some leeway to accommodate for obstructionist Republicans who'd rather see the US in flames then Obama succeed at anything.

Side: act like Bush