
Debate Info

City crumbles, only you live everyone lives but you
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:3
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 City crumbles, only you live (1)
 everyone lives but you (1)

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DarthVader(36) pic

What is the secret BioShock ending for finishing in under an hour

only take this debate if you can finish bioshock in under an hour. which is the secret ending?

City crumbles, only you live

Side Score: 1

everyone lives but you

Side Score: 1
1 point

Yeah I completed it in about 40minutes...

One of the hardest games I had ever played!

City crumbles and only you live.

Side: City crumbles, only you live
ThePyg(6706) Banned
0 points

That's stupid, the game is developed for about 8 hours of game play (if you play it fast, meaning no buying shit or collecting anything, just play the storyline really really fast). You CAN'T beat it in under an hour unless you modify the game. If that is your case, the secret ending is added by a mod and is not real.

Only three endings to the game (and two of them are about the same). Either you save the girls and return to the surface with them or you kill all the girls and take their adam as splicers grab some submarine and blow a bunch of shit up.

Side: everyone lives but you