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Ambrose(75) pic

What is the worst country in the world?

There are a little over 190 sovereign nations in the world today, many which have good economies and very high standards of living, such as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, etc., as well as many average, ‘okay’ countries. I would like to know, out of all the countries that currently exist, which one is the worst?

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1 point

I think, by far, the worst country in the world is Somalia. Somalia has one of the worst GDP per capita in the world, at only Intl.$600 per person each year, a 37.8% literacy rate, plus Somalia has placed first in the Failed States Index for the past several years. The economy is imploding; Somalis have virtually no human rights whatsoever, there constant security threats, plus, the Somali government in Mogadishu has no control over the nation, instead, things are being run by Islamist terror groups such as Al-Shabaab.

1 point

They are getting better though. The mayor of the capital is turning things around and the government is fighting back against the Islamists, but only with the help of other African nations. It's improving, but really slowly.

Ambrose(75) Clarified
1 point

Yes, I agree that things are getting better in Somalia; however, the road is long enough that the end is not anywhere in sight, and who knows, one day maybe Somalia won’t be the worst country in the world, but, as of right now, they are.

1 point

Yes, Somalia is a failed state and has a long way to go until it can get back on its feet.

1 point

Isnt this racist i mean saying you dont like the countrie is like saying you also hate the people

Ambrose(75) Disputed
1 point

The definition of racist is, ‘a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to other,’ which is not at all what this question is about. This question has nothing to do with race or ethnicity, but rather the state that the nations of the world are currently in.

1 point

Thank you for saying it nicely and not being A doosh about it

iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

The debate is worst, not which you hate.

The U.S. has the worst healthcare system of any developed nation, that does not mean I hate the U.S., it is stating a fact about a country which I happen to be quite fond of.

Saying a country is bad in a particular area may even be positive, as in you bring light to some thing which is wrong so perhaps it will get better, helping those people.

It would be worse to ignore something, more harmful, more hateful even, wouldn't you agree?

1 point

A few hundred years ago, it would have been Fiji :)

wardogninja(1790) Clarified
1 point

Then they got into PR, and now we spend 4 dollars for a bottle of water with their name on it.

Mexico is in a really bad spot right now. I hear a lot of politicians talking about all the terrible things going on in the middle east and how it is our responsibility to stop it, but mexico has just as much violence and courption, and it's effects are spilling into our nation in the form of drugs like cocain. Politicians are quick to talk about ways to send illegal immigrants back, but never seem to mention why they tried to enter America in such numbers in the first place.

1 point

I never really thought about Mexico in that light, I always think resorts when I hear about it, but that is very true. Makes you wonder why all these countries are sending troops to places in the Middle East when the violence that we should be concerned about is right at our front door.

There are only two reasons i can think of as to why we are not doing anything to help mexico.

1)they don't have any oil, we took theirs already when we stole texas.

2)to take any strong action against corruption in mexico would potentially lead to a conflict on the home-front.

Delta(1348) Disputed
1 point

What you talking about dooshbag that was old news like 2010 thats the first thing people will say because of internent bull shit

1 point

The drug cartels in Mexico are still active, and according to some reports growing. It might be old news, but it is still current news.

I think North Korea is the worst country in the world due to the nutcase dictator.