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 What is your Ideal Tax Rate (6)

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zlUnreal(158) pic

What is your Ideal Tax Rate

Describe your Ideal Tax Rate and plan
(Keep in mind: Saying taxation is theft or your ideal tax rate would be 0% does not count. That is a different kind of discussion.)
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1 point

My Ideal Tax rate/Plan would be a 10% Flat tax. Everyone is taxed at the same rate. If you make a dollar more you wont be punished for it and move into a different tax bracket. If you make $10,000 you pay $1,000 in taxes. If you make a $100,000 you pay $10,000 etc.

Quantumhead(749) Disputed
2 points

My Ideal Tax rate/Plan would be a 10% Flat tax. Everyone is taxed at the same rate. If you make a dollar more you wont be punished for it and move into a different tax bracket. If you make $10,000 you pay $1,000 in taxes. If you make a $100,000 you pay $10,000 etc.

The realistic problem with that is, if I make $100,000, I can afford to pay someone $2,000 to show me how to avoid paying taxes.

I'm with Roosevelt on tax. After you earn a certain amount of money, you pay a 100 percent tax rate. That would gradually begin to fill in the abyss between labour and capital.

outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

If you actually had a brain you would take it out and play with. What is the certain amount that needs to be reached before one is taxed 100 percent ? Who sets that certain amount the Government ?

zlUnreal(158) Disputed
1 point

Nothing says I want your money like wanting to tax people at 100% after they make a certain amount of money. By this logic people would not want to make more money along that certain threshold you are talking about. This will then make it so people will all have around the same amount of money but they will all be poor. There is your income equality you socialist...

1 point

The tax rates in the 50's / 60's was between 70% and 90% for corporations. We grew rapidly as a country. Businessmen got rich regardless. Since Reagan, they've left "the people" behind. WE stay stagnant, THEY get golden parachutes even if they screw up a company! This "We can't compete with these tax rates!", is BS that They've created for their own benefit! If they'd SHARE a bit more with the people, pay THEIR taxes (many of them pay ZERO% while they bitch about 30+% (just for smoke!)!

My ideal tax rate is whatever it takes to keep America strong while ALL pay their fare share! THAT would bring the tax rates DOWN! I hope, shortly, we find out just how much our "patriotic President" has been paying over the last few years. I think we'll find he's sent more "tax" to Russia than he has America!

outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Crazy AL corporate tax rates are not high enough for you ? Your beloved UK does not have corporate tax rates like the US does. So where do you stand AL ?

1 point

My ideal tax rate is I sit on my ass and you support me, so get started.

1 point

"Saying taxation is theft or your ideal tax rate would be 0% does not count."

But 0% is a legitimate tax rate, it is also my exact ideal tax rate.

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'Can't someone else do it'

-Homer Simpson