
Debate Info

zero No solution
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 zero (1)
 No solution (3)

Debate Creator

Kela(10) pic

What is zero to the zero power?

Supposedly anything to the zero power is one.

Also there cant be a zero as denominator.

So what is zero to the zero power?


Side Score: 1

No solution

Side Score: 5
1 point

Zero times anything is zero. zero times itself in this case would still amount to zero. same as if it were 0^2=0 or 0^1=0.

Side: Zero
Niko(101) Disputed
1 point

But the zero power isn't times itself. Everything to the power of 0 is 1 because they divide by itself.

24^0=24/24=1 3508^0=3508/3508=1

With that said, 0^0=0/0, and I won't repeat anything because this is explained by the comments on the right side.

Side: No solution
2 points


(anything)^0=1 no?

0 is anyting.

0^0 still equals 1?

That's just plugging numbers into magical non-existant black holes it looks like though.

I haven't taken a math class since 1998.


My calculator just told me to fuck off basically. I don't know.

Shit, now I can't let it go...

I just read like 5 answers.

They range from "undefined therefore 1" to just "undefined".

Damn you for making me do math on Friday.

Side: damn you for making me do math on friday
2 points

this is similar to the whole what does 0/0 (fraction) equal. Anything divided by itself = 1, but anything divided by 0 equals infiinity. However 0 itself means nothing.

Side: No solution