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 What part of school needs the most funding? (sports,science,math,arts,foreign lang., etc.) (7)

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Saurbaby(5502) pic

What part of school needs the most funding? (sports,science,math,arts,foreign lang., etc.)

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1 point

I think all aspects need help, except sports aren't necessary in furthering your education. But sports does seem to bring in the most funding.

1 point

By having the funds to pay suppliers upfront for goods or materials needed to fulfill orders, businesses can strengthen their supplier relationships and negotiate better terms. This can lead to improved supplier loyalty, discounts, and long-term partnerships

1 point

Any department would need huge amount of funding it's whether they'ld be effiecent or not.

E.g I don't know how much funding the english department at my scholl are getting but they seem to blow it out all on one "classroom" (which is really a staffroom with state-of-the-art computers and coffee machines etc.) and they reuse all the books from last year, the only thing they seem to spend money on is buying excercise books.

1 point

Most often.. It is science since the required equipments could pay you expensive. Sports is important.. And for physical fitness your definitely in need of cash. Arts is great.. N the best thing about it is that you can get all that done in very cheap!

1 point

I believe it should be the science and arts classes (arts being Art, Band, and Choir) because from what I can tell, around here, these get the less funding of all. And, in most school's (like my old school), if you're not in a sport, you don't matter.

Schools needs to be left to the free market. Anything that has been left to this has thrived. Look at the Silicon Valley. Look at the advancement in cellphone technology. Now, imagine a true free market.

The difference in public school has static funding, which means limited everything. Opporuntiy costs mount severely and some programs are cut short.

However, while in a free market of education, the funding is curtailed to supply and demand. So, it will determine how to fund it.

Side: Free Markets

I think Science and Math need the most funding since plenty of students are falling below average as compared to Japan and some European countries.

Side: Free Markets