
Debate Info

An even bigger free for all. From the pan into the fire.
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 An even bigger free for all. (1)
 From the pan into the fire. (1)

Debate Creator

Norwich(1576) pic

What's going to happen when ''Title 42'' is removed by Biden/Don Quixote?

Biden is well on the way to removing ''Title 42'' which will deny border security personnel the discretionary authority to refuse certain undesirables the right of entry into the United States.
If we think the influx of the diseased filth is bad now, wait until Biden neutralizes our border guards. 

An even bigger free for all.

Side Score: 1

From the pan into the fire.

Side Score: 1
1 point

The madness of Biden is without a doubt going to sink America well before his term in Office comes to an end.

The Democrat party officials must pluck some regulation out of the constitution which will allow them to legally remove this lunatic as a matter of urgency.

Side: An even bigger free for all.
1 point

One thing that is certain is that none of our enemies will ever attempt to assassinate dithering Joe.

With a stark ravening maniac as President they know he is their best ally and will do more damage to the U.S., than all their high-tech weaponry.

All Russia, China and North Korea have to do is to sit back and let Dopy Joe's/DANGEROUS DOPY JOE'S enditall agenda of, throwing the switch, turning off the lights and pulling the plug.

Where are the 81 million shitheads hiding?

Side: From the pan into the fire.